🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

That’s a female brown headed cowbird. The males have a dark chocolate colored head. They migrate here in VA every year.


Thanks @chronix & @FirstCavApache64 !

We have tonnes of blackbirds so this makes sense!



Looks like a cow bird female! Those guys are awesome! They’re parasitic egg layers and will push other birds eggs out of nests and lay theirs in with them. Often, the cowbird babies outcompete the native babies for resources and the cause them to starve. It’s not legal to remove their eggs from the nest though as that’s the way they reproduce.

Sorry bad photo, but only inches of space to take it… 🤷

We though the speckled egg in the nest might be a cowbird egg. The rest of the Phoebe eggs didn’t have any speckles and were definitely smaller. I only thought this after seeing a cowbird hanging around our porch. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:🫶🏼


Photo’s from the Mrs!

:grin: :+1:


Whoa hold on a minute! All these awesome awe inspiring pictures and you have a multi-color milk crate collection??? Good to see your growing well and living everyday to the fullest.

Thanks for being you, Have a Great week. :sunglasses:


You’ve had an incredible day @Pigeonman
Thanks for that peek into the Zone

Truly a Rare neighbour. Let me know when yours are moving


Smol update where I took these shots this AM while doing my rounds and didn’t get to posting them until now.

@MissinBissin buy them out and we’ll topiary the fuck outa 2 yards! That being said, where you are looks much nicer than the bulk of where I am so you may just wanna stay cozy versus the Toronto agro life :rofl:

Every AM Heathcliff greets me at the back door…

…but really he’s waiting for Mrs. P and just tolerating my presence in “his domain” :heart_eyes_cat:

So I ditched him and went off to the plants.

On a side note, I keep forgetting to mention that these tomato cages are all 42" tall. with about 8" dug in they are 3ft tall for size referencing the plants until they’re big enough to justify a 5gal bucket next to them. :grin:

Mighty Might (@Oldtimerunderground ) It’s finally reveging!! :v:

Sour Diesel: Danny T. Cut (@DannyTerpintine ) It’s just started to explode!

Shishkaberry 3F2 ( @SHSC-1 & @PineTarBastard ) The thing stinks real good and also freaking exploded!

Limed Orange (@DannyTerpintine ) Not as poofy as the SD:DTC but it’s getting there.

Frankenstein (plant 1) (@JohnnyPotseed ) I’m still waiting to see if the lower branches do anything; if not they’re getting cut and I’ll have a :palm_tree: ! :rofl: :+1:

Frankenstein (plant 2) (@JohnnyPotseed ) Same :palm_tree: logic but in ground. :grin:

Alaska Thunderfuck (@middleman & @Enjoi802) Literally this plant is jumping out of the fucking cage! :exploding_head:

Coastal Blueberry (@SHSC-1 ) This plant looks nice and evil… makes me happy knowing it’s got something up it’s sleeve… I assume floral explosions down the road!

UK Cheese Never ever has this cultivar ever disappointed me. :ok_hand:

In the background all I can hear is birds chirping and many stay safe in the Rose arbour Mrs. P and I made back in 2021 using fresh cedar pulled from family property north of Toronto.

Each year watching Mrs. P. weave the rambling vines is mesmerizing considering she only uses a weeding tool. The forked tip and length of the tool is all she needs and it makes me glow. :blush:

View from the house of the arbour back in 2021:

View from the raised beds back in 2021:

Raised beds view today:

House view today:

If you think the above is rad I can’t wait to share with y’all what this looks like in full bloom as it’s mostly closed blossoms right now!!

Going back to talking about Heathcliff the cat… I finished my rounds and found him still waiting for Mrs. P. to come outside and give him both food and scritches :rofl: :heart:

On a related note I’m working on a film commission for a small format film festival (only projects on R8, S8 and 16mm) so I’m using the garden as my pallet and going to town with the gambit of tech I get to look after at work.

So today I spent a few hours in between work duties doing some optical printing and darkroom tests of some elements I’ve already generated on 16mm of the clouds high above my yard during sunset.

I’m generating these elements on the same tech that Industrial Light and Magic used to use before computers took over. It’s called an Oxberry 1700 Optical Printer and this is the only one accessible to the public left on the planet and it still runs off of Windows 98 :man_facepalming:

I process all this in a Lomo tank made back in the 50’s/60’s in the Soviet Union. This is a motion picture film spiral tank that allows me to process up to 100ft of 16mm at a time but I usually do less.

It’s basically rephotographing photographs, like “Adobe’s After Effects” but the analog tech all the computing software is based on.

My process for this part was to film the clouds on black and white negative film which I hand processed. This negative was then printed to colour positive print film which is what you use to make film prints from colour negatives.

The extra fun part is that there is no colour information until I add it using colour correction filters to get different effects. :grin:

Here are some examples of the results so far:

This one is so far my favorite but please ignore the yellow banding which is there due to the light table and my phones camera.

Some more examples:

This one I added to much Magenta which cancelled out the colours making it B&W again! :sweat_smile:

My plan is now more of a performance than just handing over a reel of film to screen… but hey I’m a go big or go home type of player so I’m gonna keep ramping up my game!

:rofl: :+1:

Thanks for stopping by until next time you wonderful growers you!



Always a pleasure to stop by and relax in the garden. That ATF is gonna be massive!


Hey @Pigeonman . Thanks for posting that picture of the shiskaberry plant. I have one growing outside but have never seen one before. How big will it get? :rainbow:


I honestly have no idea… so we’re gonna find out together!


don’t you just love the new rebirth of springs beauty after being cooped up all winter?

i slave late april thru july to the yard and garden but would not trade all that hard work for anything. we love our yard / garden it is so worth it.

believe me i know how much work it is for you and the misses. a labor of love.

also nice line up for outdoor grow.

the garden and yard looks great! your plants are off to the races! you have a great start on them.


Cucumbers finally got planted.

Butternut squash is coming in well!

Coastal Blueberry; getting attacked by something and growing like a freak! @SHSC-1 it’s the only one doing this lol. It knows it’s special!

Also throwing single leaves near the bottom. :man_shrugging:

Shishkaberry 3F2: Monster saw-blade fan leaves going in here!

Mighty Mite; it’s filling out into a massive nugget.

Frankenstein; continues to grow bigger.

Freebies: Florida Ditch Weed: gonna keep them around and see what happens.

Frankenstein; the other monster also growing well!

UK Cheese; another beautiful bush.

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut: this thing is StAnKy!!! :drooling_face:

Limed Orange: really filling into becoming it’s own shrubbery!

Alaska Thunderfuck; moar huge leaves growing beast!

Long group shot of the tree-row.

All the best today everyone and thanks for popping in!

:v: :grin: :+1:


Garden 🪴 seems to be off to a great start. Love :heart: watching the progress of all your tireless efforts! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


one night i was rocking out with sub cool on the internet. and someone asked what is the hardest hitting smoke he ever had? he said without a doubt it was mighty mite a real drooler just curious for your take on it. growth taste smell.


Looking forward to seeing that butter nut squash. Corn delivery!

I was looking thru your previous post again and saw 6 additional milk crates, now I see 2 more milk crates. I believe every gardener should have at least one milk crate. I count 13 in your pictures :laughing: I’m jelly over here! :sunglasses: Off to find a milk crate provider online! I once had so many that I made a chair out of them in the garden… a hurricane came and blew them away. :rofl:

P.S. Will there be more rephotographing photo’s?


I have about 30.

They are EVERYWHERE @Heliosphear :rofl:

THANKS FOR THE :corn: ! :rofl: :drooling_face:

Yes! I have a deadline with screening/performance late July here in T.dot so I gotta get on that asap!


HOT DAMN I’m REALLY feeling the LOVE here!!! Thank you @Crawfish solid mailing of a wanted clone growmie!!!

Pink Kush:

And now for it’s rooting in “quarantine”, aka: outside near the Blue Dauber nest! :rofl:



Well it made it! And that’s all that matters. :+1:


I wonder if daylight hours are making the Coastal Blueberry want to flower and is why it’s getting gnarly on you. Should revert back as the days get longer. Been too cold here at night to put my plants out on schedule , which was the 10th. My soils should be ready by the time the weather improves.


I have no idea either @SHSC-1 ! I love freaks so no biggie as she still stanks with a rub of the fingers.

Shes been outside since early may with the climate change shift in my s.ont growing season.