🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

It’s gonna be brutal this week and of course we’re being ghosted by the company we paid a premium for a year round priority service call and they have their heads right up their own asses it seems.

I really do hope the predicted rain happens as my barrels are getting low.

Everything it exploding as we get closer and closer to summer solstice so we’re now in "5 Gallon Bucket for Size Reference** territory!

Mighty Mite:

It’s almost “just” a single cola :rofl: :+1:

Shiskaberry 3F2:

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut:

Frankenstein S1:

Limed Orange:

Coastal Blueberry:

UK Cheese:

Frankenstein S1

Alaska Thunderfuck:

I also got my shit together and got all the veggies into their spots. Additionally I got some new “house plants” on a car ride into the country this weekend en route to a celebration of life.

Black Krim Tomato:

Butternut Squash:

Black Krim Tomato + Pickling Cucumbers:

Strawberry Geranium: great flowers, and also smells like strawberries!

Butternut Squash:

Purple Sweet Potato + 2x Florida Ditch Weed: (seedlings found in FDW patch).

Tea Rose Arbour: It’s fuck-off massive!

Under the arbour, Heathcliff fixates on whatever he’s staring at lol.

I got 2 shots in before he went all “heck you doing!?” at me :rofl:

PawPaw Trees:

All our bird/insect watering spots have been cleaned and topped off in preparation for the upcoming brutal week.

The patio plants are soaked every AM and often in the PM too as this area becomes a solar furnace in full sun afternoons. They are all plants that like the heat + all my mother plants. To battle the winters insect fuckery I’m leaving them outside for the blue daubers to feast.

The other part of the patio with more plants. :+1:

After 25+ years my Dwarf Pomegranate finally passed away; so I got a new seedling to start the cycle all over again.

I impulsed these strawberries… they are ever bearing and white so my hope is I can keep them going in the winter as well!

Other plants needing to be potted include: Wormwood, Greek Mertyl, Yarrow and Black Krim Tomato backups.

Our patio’s ROSE WALL:

@Crawfish the Pink Kush is doing well! I’ll up pot it soon enough!

See all those rootlets! :heart:

Eucalyptus ; I had one 20+ years ago and now have it again lol.

Silver Eucalyptus:

Hummingbird Sage:

Clawfoot Pond (water lettuce starting to establish) + Hibuscus(s) + Black Krim Tomatos:

Thanks for checking in folks! Keep safe out there in the brutal heat to come!!!



Looks really good. I think we’re supposed to get a storm on thursday.


Awesome backyard



Your home looks wonderful and peaceful. :rainbow:


Nice yard @Pigeonman !
The Pink Kush is also starting to look nice! With the roots trying to find some more soil to root into!
That’s a really nice plant! 🪴.
When your outdoor plants stretch in a few more weeks! They are going to be trees by the time October rolls around. :+1::partying_face::grin:
I have a question for you?
How many gallon are the grow bags you have your 9 plants in a row in?
I am guessing to be 25 gallons.
I use 15 gallon ones for outdoor.
Too small, next year I may buy 25 gallon grow bags.
The potting soil will be about one bale of soil each I think,:face_with_monocle: Sunshine mix #4.
To one 25 gallon bag.
I find I have to tie the plants down, like how you put a tent peg into the ground. Then a string to secure the plants from tipping over in a gust of wind.
They end up so top heavy when growing them large, but that’s a good problem to have in the end. :grin:
Your yard is really nice! :+1:


Your home is beautiful @Pigeonman! Thank you for sharing.


Hey @Crawfish 20gal, 25gal and 30 gal with most 25’s.

I honestly dont remember. When i get bags i convert gallons to liters to work out my mix and then putt it all together on a tarp before filling the bags.

I’ve been rrusing and reammending them for a few years now with great success!

Thank you everyone for your kind words!



I do the same thing as you? Switch gallons to litres. Welcome to Canada :canada: half Imperial and half metric. They switched when I was in grade School, I believe in the 1970s. I remember thinking how easy Metric was to use! Everything is based on ten. A super easy and fast system. My Parents had stickers, supplied by the government.
To put over the the speedometer in the car. Making the speedometer Metric. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Some may remember them?
All those large pots, like myself need lots of water. We had a few storms here yesterday and over night , and filled the rain barrels. I hope the same for you. :+1:
I have seven going outside this year. I am allowed ten.
I don’t bother with the extra four as recreational however.
I will have 8, ounce I plant the 1974 Jews Gold!
I can’t wait to see that plant come this fall.
With the cooler fall weather, I hope to have a purple 1974 Jews Gold!
That is so cool :sunglasses: to be able to grow out a plants from all those years ago.
They too had good weed!
Your yard is really impressive! :+1:


your plants are already huge LOL
Must be a really nice climate there to get such a good headstart.
I started putting plants out only yesterday LOL


Thanks @SHSC-1 !

There are 2 sets of plants out here. Ones veged since last year (like Oct.) which include the Frankensteins, UK Cheese, Limed Orange and Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut.

The Shiskaberry 3F2, Coastal Blueberry, Mighty Mite and Alaskan Thunderfuck were all started in April.

The older plants are woodier and somewhat larger but the April starters are catching up fast!!!


You’ve got some Magical photographic gear there @Pigeonman.

Just don’t see that stuff, amongst Civilians!!!


Bahahaa! Thanks @MissinBissin !

BTW, my KOH is being delivered on Monday so I’m getting my sciencing shit all ready!


:grin: :+1:


Oh Mann the frickin stakes just got higher lol

What a beautiful set-up @Pigeonman
Alright here goes a McGyver


Yes, it is the same model that I have!


He needs a lab coat :lab_coat: and some safety glasses :goggles: to join the mad scientist :man_scientist: crew! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Ready for a 2-Litre batch


@Pigeonman i have seen a few videos recently that stated Azomite takes close to a Year before its benefits really become available in the soil/ substrate.

I’ve stopped using it indoors cuz of that delay !


Just what the heck is going on here?


Seriously though, I must have missed something. What is this apparatus?