Outdoor Ohio Organic grow

Hello everyone. Wanted to share what I have going on and hopefully others will find it enjoyable enough to indulge me with your help along the way.

This is my first legal grow. I did grow one other time a while back when there was a medical need and I did learn a lot but I need Top shelf, not average.

So with that in mind I have chosen what I believe will net me with some wonder flowers.

All of my seeds were sourced from Seed Supreme. They were the only ones I could find that has Ed Rosenthal’s Super Bud without using a credit card.

Strains chosen and reasons why.

Rosenthal- Out of genuine respect for the man and all he did for the community, and the fact I met him and enjoyed some fine Cannabis with him and many others was a fond memory. I want to see what he cooked up so this seemed to be the only way to make that happen. Seed Supreme only had a feminized version called Rosenthal so I do not know how it will fair. It is emiting a very nice aroma right now and is thriving.

Triangle Kush- I know there are those who love or are impartial but I bought an 1/8th of The White from a shop in Denver. It was from Willie’s Reserve and I believe it was called Kromes cut. There was something special there. From all my research Triangle may or may not be related but she has stellar reviews and one I am really excited to experience as this seemed to be the closest I may be able to come to the White. From my reading TK has much more going on. We shall see as I have not had this strain yet.

GG4 x Zkittles aka Gorilla Zkittles- I wanted regular seeds to find a male to mate with the ladies so I purchases a 4 pack of regular as I felt this had the best genetics in regular seeds that Seed Supreme offered. Of the 4 seeds I started only 3 popped and they were all females so no pollen this year. Little disapointed, but the plants are looking good and seem to be leaning Sativa. Not much smell currently. They smell green and fresh.

Super Skunk- These were free seeds that came with the order. I popped two seeds and both are still going well. One was entrusted to a family member as they want to learn as well so I only have one on the property. This lady has already started her flower cycle so I welcome ways to maximize yields. I have spread it out as you will see in the pictures. She definitely is skunk. Nothing better than walking the property and catching the scent. Way cool.

BlackJack autos- Wanted to try autos as I remember back in high school reading about the discovery of the ruderallis in HighTimes and thinking why were we wasting precious magazine space with this. Now I understand the foresight. I chose this strain because of the Jack Herer influence as he is another one who did so much good. Figured I would see what happens. Real happy with how it’s going. First one is a few days away from the chop. 50% cloudy and 50% clear. The autos are all growing in 7 gal fabric pots.

All the main photo period strains are in 10 gal fabric pots with Fox Farms Ocean. They are receiving full strength Boogie Brew once per week. I have applied one top dress of Pride Lands veg as well. So far this is it besides water.

Water is pH 7.0 which I realize may be high but because of the organic grow my understanding is that pH is not so much a factor. I welcome input on this. The plants are thriving so I suspect the pH is not as critical in this environment.


Nice variation of genetics, it sounds like you have everything well in hand.

TK is very close to OG Kush (same stuff different label… I think). I made the error once of checking for related strains on Seedfinder, my computer was ‘hung up’ for a number of minutes before it finally came back. It looked like about half of the entries in their database are OGK related…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



I’m also growing a TK outside & inside in OH. What’s the story on the TK from SeedSupreme - is it an S1, backcross, or something else?

Interested to see how it all turns out for you!


I genuinely have no clue on the backstory and Seed Surpeme does not provide one. They simply state is is a descendent of the original OG. I think I will reach out to customer service and see if they have any more info.


It doesn’t really matter. Really, the only thing that matters is how much you like it.

If you need some regs for pollen-chucking, let me know and I’ll send you a list.


Please send a list.


Here is TK1. This one developed leaf septoria, how I do not know. Thanks to @resimax I now feel better. I cut off a pile of leaves but did leave a few leaves on to see what happens. I sprayed her with Captain Jack’s copper since I had some on hand. Seemed to halt the spread. Will watch closely and spray as a preventite going forward.

Here she is.


Here is TK2. I like this one quite a bit. She has a lot of future bud sites.


And that is one of the Black Jack’s. Here are some close ups.


Here is Rosenthal Uploading: 20240620_193020.jpg…]()



illa Z #1


GGZ #2


GGZ #3


Super Skunk


Triangle Kush #1
Seem to have a handle on the leaf septoria. Hopefully I can keep it in check.


Triangle Kush #2
Still really liking this plant. Very healthy and dark green.


I believe she has reached puberty


Gg4 x Zkittles #1


GG4x Zkittles #2


GG4 x Zkittles #3