Outdoor Ohio Organic grow

A few updates. Lots going on around the property and the garden is keeping me busy. Just wanted to put some updates so I have a guide frame for next season.

I am down to four plants now as the Gorilla Zkittles both surprised and disappointed me. Such potential lost.

Here is Unknown #1 aka former Triangle Kush #1

Unknown #2 aka TK #2


Rosenthal- This lady is wide and bushy.



Gorilla Zkittles #1- This one hermied on me so it is no more. All 3 Gorilla’s showed female in the beginning. At this point I am deeply disappointed as all three plants were large and beautiful and now I have none. I have the #2 and #3 in a tent in the basement dropping pollen. Thinking I do not want this genetic line so I am going to ditch the cuttings and just let the pollen fall away. Really bummed. Without further adieu here it was.

The plants arare root bound and starting to show signs of such so I am trying to decide what I want to do. I may repot into 25 gallons for the end or I may cut the bottom and maybe 6" or so off the bottom of the felt container and let em take root in some fresh rototiller dirt. Still working on this plan. Next year I am going straight into the ground. Started laying the groundwork for that today.

And some general property pictures. The lake is coming to an end finally. Wanting to get things seeded I just hate it is so dry. Figure I will need to pump water. No worries there is technology for that.

Anyways if you are still reading thanks.



Clearly, you’ve been working your ass off, and it shows in this and the previous set of photos! The picture of your yard is beautiful. :+1:

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Thanks @mota . We do have a lot of work going on. The Mrs. works harder than me and that is saying something. Sure was blessed with her.

Anyway a quick update. Decided to repot into 25 gallon pots and it was going well till I got to Rose. She split into three sections right at the base. Several expletives were hurled but I realized triage was more important so I am hoping she can stay alive. Lots of staking and tying the base together in hopes of saving her. I also tried to bury the split into dirt in hopes to keep it more protected.

They do look good in their new pots though. Once they adjust they will get a nice defoil


Fall is only 34 days away so the plants seem to sense it and are really starting to stack. I am very satisfied with the progress thus far but I am also aware that if things go south there is less I can do to fix things so I am watching things closely.

Skunk- This lady is by far the farthest along and putting on quite a bit of weight. The smell is musky and sweet. I just stick my head in there and I am happy happy happy. I did discover a few spots where it appears bud rot is starting. I chopped that crap off straight away and will monitor things very closely moving forward. I fought that stuff back in 2020 on an Orange Cookie Chem I grew. Seemed like everyday I was cutting off another bud. Sucks royally.

Unknown #1
Orange is the only thing I get scent wise and it is VERY pronounced. It is such a sweet smelling plant , very tropical and fruity. While I am certain now that this is not Triangle Kush, I am super happy with the structure and smell and so I am really excited for this one.


Unknown #2
This lady decided she wanted to stretch her legs and has really started to increase height. Looks like it is Sativa dominant. Without knowledge of what it is I guess I shall see as this one is behind the rest. No complaints because what is growing is super healthy. Not much smell coming from it aside from a pinesol smell from the stem rub. I imagine that will change as she adds weight.

Rose- Poor sweet Rose. She appears to be doing alright but I still am not sure. The leaves are reaching up soaking in the sun like a California beach goer but the break was bad. I decided to flush the wound out today and try to repair it a bit better. As you will see in the pictures I did what any self respecting redneck would do. I used duct tape and drywall tape to make the repair. Personally I thought I did a good job all things considered. The question is whether to leave the bandage on and bury it again or leave ot exposed to breathe. My thoughts are to cover again. I welcome input if you have thoughts.
Smell wise she is very floral and sweet smelling. If you linger a bit there is a little skunkyness there. Just a beautiful bouquet of scents. I really hope she makes it till the end. I defoliated some to make watering easier but not to much. Just want her to live.

Smoke report:
Figured it was time for the first smoke report. The very first BlackJack auto was pulled June 28 th and has been curing till now. I must say it was far better than I anticipated since it was an auto. I had a bowl and also a session in the Zeus vaporizer.
The first bowl hit was very intense. Lung expanding and really felt behind the eyes. Did not notice a super taste, more narcotic which seemed odd to me but after three hits I was very happy. Took two more just because. :slight_smile: Strong and energizing with a very good focus. Lasted quite a while too. Very surprised in a good way. Wish I had more but the plant only netted me 10g.

Zeus vaporizer- Flavor explosion. Could not tell you what flavors but tasty as tasty can be. Same effects. Very focused and ready to tackle life head on with a positive attitude and a get-r-done motivation.

Also I am planning next year and will be asking for help from the OG community to help me select strains for next year. I will share more later but the theme is go big. Here is a picture of what I will be choosing from. Let me know what you think I should grow. They will be outdoors.


My camera sucks
First row is Soloberry 2, Chicago Diesel, TKTO x Messiah OG, Grape Z x Horchata Pie, and Peytons pie x Mag Opus 11

Second row is Negans Bat, TKTO x Blackcherry Rick Moranis ( BBD x Blackcherry), Stargazing ( GDP x Tombstone), All Gas OG x Mag Opus 11

Bottom row is Mango Hashplant, Glitter Trike, Appy x Cobra Quiver, Frankie’s Little Pony, Lemon Bubble Chem.

If you have grown any of these or their parents please feel free to weigh in. I am looking for good bug and mold resistance and a reasonable flower time. I am in the northern hemisphere and first frost is usually mid October. If any of these strains are resistant to cold all the better. Thanks


Fall is only 26 days away. Noticed some trees already starting to change. Hard to believe snow will be flying in a not to distant future.

Things have been very busy between canning, watering, fixing cars, and trying to make enough to keep the lights on that updates are on the back burner. Thankfully the plants are really on auto.

The girls are all doing good and starting to remind me why you guys grow all year long. The smell and beauty are stellar. Lots of good times right there. :laughing:

First up is SuperSkunk. This lady is pure bud. Just long stalks filling in with a sweet dankness that is top notch. Easy to spend too much time lingering. Bud rot has not taken off as I suspected I think because it is hot and dry. I am cutting off any leaf that is even turning brown as I do not want that sneaking in and doing damage.

Rose- She seems to still be doing well. I knew cannabis was resilient but the fact that she split into thirds and has recovered speaks volumes about how robust these plants are. I am super happy with her recovery. All branches seem to be filling in so it appears either the repair was successful. Still smelling nice and floral although the scents are less than they were. She did develop this odd anti chlorophyll stem. Not overly worried but I suspect with all the stress it is to be expected.


Unknown #1 here forthwith known as Five on the Side
Such a strange name but this plant has leaves that stand straight up like a high five, and it also has leaves that are 90* or vertical during the day then relax back to normal at night. She still does not have alot of scent but is starting g to build lots of bud sites. Here is the same limb with the leaves in the five on the side and also normal. Very weird.

Unknown #2 here forthwith known as Orange Swamp Bud.
This lady is really a beautiful, sweet smelling beauty. I need to break out the wife’s Nikon to get good pictures. The tricomes are really starting to show and my phone does not do her justice. Skunk is further along but not nearly as frosty.


I decided to seed the whole back of the lake with deer food plots. Ran to the dirt mall to get some straw and threw a bunch of seed down. Figured I would see which is better. The right side has Whitetail Institutes, and the left has Bourbon Buck and Big Sexy.

Things are coming up nicely.

Peppers are starting to mature. The jalapeños have been kicking out quite a few for a while but the rest are slower to mature.

Jalapenos- Traveler Strain. This is an heirloom that is a heavy yielder. I have grown these for MANY years and these are the hottest I have grown. Restricting water actually makes them hotter. I save seeds every year so if any pepper heads out there want some seeds let me know.

Ghost Peppers- These are kicking along with lots of Peppers hanging. Just waiting for them to finish up. Love me some :ghost: :hot_pepper:.

Jamacian Yellow- Another heirloom that will light you up and make you ask why. Those who know, know the answer as to why.

Carolina Reapers- There are three plants going and all of them are flowering but very slow ro produce Peppers. There are some forming so I hope they make it to the end as I really want this one. Only non heirloom pepper. The rest I am happy to give seeds away to anyone that wants them.

Orange Habaneros- Heirloom variety. Nothing Orange yet, just lots of little green peppers. No worries as the heat will come as fall sets in.


Last update is the compost pile. This is the start to next year’s adventure. My goal is four 6’ x 6’ x 3’ holes filles with cannabis specific supersoil. I need lots of dirt and amendments so this will be a process. The pile is fed daily with coffee, egg shells, bananas, and everykind of vegetable that can be juiced as well as everything out of the garden. It also gets chicken manure, goat manure, and chicken blood along with any other compostable item.


Quick update for posterity. Fed all the girls with some Boogie Brew with Lands Pride brix and top dressed them with Lands Pride Bloom. The SuperSkunk and Oravge Swanp Bud also received some Lands Pride flower finisher. Instruction say use in the final four weeks but I am not exactly sure how many more weeks are left. These gals are further along and so it seems good to me to introduce this product.

The five on the side started to smell today and the smell I get is rubber. Digging deep in the database for another descriptor but rubber is what comes up.

Orange Swamp smells like a candy store. She is taking over the Skunk with her scent. Really wishing I grabbed a cutting from her. I do have two more seeds left from thatlot of alleged TK so I may pop those next year in search or this again. Really a beauty.


Pictures will follow.

SuperSkunk has been slated for death. Pretty much cloudy across the board. I looked this morning and because I am fairly new to this I sought a second opinion and third opinion. They both agreed this plant is ready so my goal is one more quick feeding then harvest. She will be hanging by this time next week.

Orange Swamp Bud- This girl is clicking on the heels of SuperSkunk. Very frosty and dense and about 50% cloudy. Once the skunk is done she takes center stage.

Rose- She is back and smells spectacular. While I am not expecting a huge hall because of the damage, she has recovered very well and I should net several oz’s from her. The name fits as her pistles are pink.

Five on the side- She has stretched out and has become very frosty yet she is still a ways away. Very excited with the hall I should be enjoying.

Picked up a MagicButter machine and am about ready to cook down an oz of 2 scoops. It was a gift from my buddy who came over to view the plants. I REALLY hate to cook these beautiful buds down.

Anyways enough rambling. I will upload picks once the wife yields me her Nikon.

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Mr.Enrico, how are the peppers. I have kept seeds myself and used them on homemade pizza and such. Oh and with oil and garlic for preservation. What a your fascination? They are cool looking for sure.

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So far i have had a lot of the jalapenos as they mature early and found their way into all my salsa. I am waiting on the rest but i did try an orange Habaneros and it was hot. Good flavor but the heat was certainly front and center. Jamacians are starting to turn now and there are a ton of ghost peppers. Have about a dozen or so scorpion peppers ripening. Will be making some different sauces once they are done.

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Mr Enrico
I want to touch on two things with you. Have you heard of lower incidents of certain cancers with repeated use of hot peppers? Capcacin is a term I have heard. Salsa is dynamite. Do you think making a hot pepper spray would help with Leaf Hoppers and Wooly Aphids? I have heard some good things.

Too soon to cut . Is there another vector affecting your decision?

First off, thanks for watching my back. Certainly do not wish to shoot myself in the foot after all this.

Regarding her being finished I thought the same thing about waiting which is why I brought outside help in as I wished to confirm what I was seeing. He and his wife have been at it for 25 years so I trust him. At first he said the same as you until I gave him the loop to look at it. With no proding or leading he came to my conclusion. He was shocked it was so far along and ready to pull. He suggested one final feeding of flower finisher and to prepare to bring her down.

When i looked through both 30x and 60x I see nothing but swollen cloudy heads on the flower and amber is becoming pronounced on the sugar leaves.

My hypothesis is this. I have lived at this location about 15 years and have gardened it every year. I always finish a few weeks earlier than my neighbors all around me. I am sure it is because of my low lying area. This coupled with the fact that SS is a fast flowerer is why I have arrived at my choice. I have read quite a few reviews of other growers and ahe appears to be fast. 8-9 weeks max seemed the consensus. Looking back at this log puts me right in that time frame.

She is most certainly going to produce more than a lb. yet stature wise she is the smallest. Huge, thick, dense, sticky colas.

I had taken a bunch of pictures yesterday but somehow they must have been accidentally formatted off the sd card because they were there and then they were not. I will be uploading new hopefully clearer pictures this evening once I take them tonight.

If anyone reading this is a camera guru I am using a Nikon 3100 dslr. I can manipulate the camera but what settings to use I do not know. I just put it on flower and auto focus. Not sure how they will be but hopefully I can get a good view of the tricomes.

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I make a LOT of butter. I use 1.5oz of DECARBED flower per 1lb of butter.
I put it on a simmer burner on my stove for about 45mins to an hour.

Let it cool, then I run it through cheesecloth with rubber gloves and squeeze the cloth pretty tightly.

I have some of the rubber ice cube trays for making large cubes. I pour the butter in the tray and freeze it, then pop it out into ziplock bags.
Each “cube” is 1/2cup.

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Looks like it was throwing pistils in June! I concede that i jumped to conclusions. No offense. Most of my outdoor started around Aug 10. Happy harvests.


No offense what so ever. Truly am glad there are good people watching my back. This is why I love this place.

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