Outdoor pest rant thread

I think so, but I haven’t noticed the rosemary smell. They’re pretty small though.

They haven’t found out food yet, but we have an automatic feeder for the cats in that same area that they got into a few weeks ago. We depend on that thing to feed the kitties since we’re usually occupied with the small human we have as well. So that was a huge pain in my ass not being able to use that feeder til I got ‘em cleaned out. My solution to eradicating them from the guts of the feeder was turning a 5 gal bucket into an acetone gas chamber which I thought was sorta clever haha.

Bad news is that they found the feeder again just this morning which i discovered after my first rant comment here :angry: . Little bastards. There will be NO SURVIVORS!

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Set it in a plate of water.

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Use the terro!

I have a cat too, but you just cut a couple 1x1” or 2" pieces of random cardboard, any packaging, and use 1 or 2 drops. I slide a piece under the microwave, right on kitchen counter, and they come from all over and feast. Then go home and kill everyone. I had a 50 gal planter that had THOUSANDS of antS, all carrying eggs, and used 3 pieces of cardboard, wiped out entire colony. Soon as I see one or two in kitchen, it’s on.


Recommendation, if you install a clean out, do a dual with both sweeps facing each other.


You mean I’m better off having them not perpendicular to the main line?

This is properly installed. I’ve seen people install in both directions, which leaves a dead spot in the middle.


WOW that looks like a small diameter! Europe has 4,5 inch wide pipes; our toilets flush differently too, I’m guessing that’s why…?

I got that you meant that way, and already knew that was why, but good illustration nonetheless! Anyway, I was about to just put a T piece in because the width of the pipes kinda allows for most sewer tools to make that bend.

How wide are those pipes in reality?

Embarrassed to say, was a plumber for many years. This is pvc, we use abs, that’s the black pipe, because it actually fuses together unlike pvc. That looks like it could be 3"-… 4" abs is standard drain size, with 6-10” for commercial size, then there’s clay pipe, etc, etc.

Ps the ‘T’ may work, but if you have to use a real heavy duty cable to clear the drain, not the kitchen size cable but an actual main line cable, you will have a nightmare trying to get it to bend in and may break the fitting. Wide sweeps are used for this reason on main lines, much easier on the equipment and the person, and the pipes!


I get what you are saying. While I was looking for the parts, I found out I can get T’s that already have a bend in them. So they are perpendicular but where they meet the tube they make a bend; seems like a perfect fit for my needs (well, 2 of them that is):

Ya that’s a short sweep,it’ll work, but… A heavy duty drain cable, can be 7/8" spring steel, and even though they have tips, if you had, say roots or a collapsed section to get through, you’d need that heavy duty cable. Trying to bend the end of that cable into a short sweep, is like trying to bend the barrell of a rifle. It cost a few more bucks for a wide sweep, and truthfully, you may never need it.
However, much like the rifle, I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
Again, that’s just the ‘right way’ that was drilled into me by my old boss, and I’ve seen those short sweeps have to be cut out to properly clear with a heavy duty cable more than once, and seen them broken more than once too.
And here ends my advice. Hope you never run into main line issues again, they suck. Tenant education is crucial.
Cat litter you say? In all my years, I never ever, ever heard that one!

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It’s actually a more common occurence than you’d think. But the burst pipe is actually a very real possiblity right now because the kitty litter soaks up so much water it CAN burst a pipe when enough of it accumulates.

So I do actually expect a collapsed section, but I think (hope) the collapsed section will be upwards of where I will be placing the sweep.

I have never ever seen a drain cable that wide. I believe you, I just haven’t ever seen one used. I really hope it’ll stay that way!

What I have seen more than once is people in that field smoke a cigarette right after going elbow deep in a family’s stoolwater… without even washing hands in between. They all seem to just wipe it on a dirty rag that looks like it’s seen more toilets than my ass. They must have one hell of an immune system.

Fabreez kills ants on contact and will make your house smell good! :wink:

This is how i deal with slugs and it works a treat, cut up old plastic bottles and copper tape. I cut the tape in half so i get more use out of the roll .

Hope this helps you. :facepunch:


I knew about the copper tape but hadn’t thought of this really effective way of using it!


I’m dealing with some sort of grasshopper or katydid type thing eating holes/chunks of leaf.

They’re in Ontario, I always thought they were baby grasshoppers. Anyone know what I’m talking about? Used to poke them to make em jump as a kid.

Fuck, that’s an awesome set up for using copper tape, and not just for weed! d8JBdDJ


When i started I lost a good few and didnt know why then i went out one night and it all became apparant, I dont want to kill them they are just barred and i know they might have enjoyed those juicey leaves but its not on lol not any more and im not putting any poison in my soil :crossed_fingers: Peace. :v:

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This awsome. You’re a true innovator! :grinning:

@420PyRoS, yeah grasshoppers have desimated my sunflowers. I’m so pissed. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I love that approach, and I am very saddened that I have to take that approach towards ticks. They’re VERY abundant here and I’ve battled lyme disease and some of it’s comorbid vector diseases for years before I even got here. Anyway, they come in from the woods out back through mice mostly, a little bit from squirrels and hedgehogd and also some passing deer and boar. So because it’s mostly the mice, I hired 2 gentlemen named Rooky and Remus to patrol the grounds. They are 2 lazy bastards and they spend more time indoors than what was agreed upon when the contract was signed, and they even sleep on the fucking job, but I must say their mice patrol is really on point and they do leave the chickens alone as that was also part of the deal. And I do love my furry little friends.

The only other thing I can really do is spray nematodes for ticks, I did that once the first year and it really decimated the tick population, but it also cost over 150 bucks to do the whole garden in spring and they were back before summer vacation so me and the wife agreed that wasn’t really a sustainable approach so I went and did some online research on what animals usually spread ticks around in gardens and around forested areas. Turns out it’s mostly mice for gardens.


Check this fat bastid out…

Died a violent death