Over site on LP weed

First how do most of us here try out new varieties? i for one try them from the corner smoke shop tried some dragons breath by hustle and shake i believe. 7 gramer 23 bucks or so got it home twisted one up thought it tasted funky really off tried again a few days later same thing just had some free time this aft and remembered the kids got me new loop for Christmas. and what did i spy i have no funking idea what this is.

That was just a sample i dumped out of the container it is everywhere in the plastic jar Shit touched my lips :face_vomiting:

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Me personally

I grow a new strain and try it…


If it doesn’t kill you it’ll make you stronger. :crazy_face: :point_left:


Dispo weed… :grimacing:


Looks like some leaf matter sandwiched together or something.


Imagine posting on OG complaining about store bought garbage .

This is Overgrow not Overbuy :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though , stop buying your weed from a store lol


I grow it, works great.


Theres no pubes in it which I suppose is some kind of bonus


I would suggest not smoking weed that was grown by a stranger.


As someone who only smokes what I grow I agree . But not everyone has it so good and is able to grow their own.
Not coming from a store is a good start. I would trust a reputable " dealer " over a store any day.


Dealers dont put shit in their shit and they try not to sell shit cause they want return customers to buy more shit cause shitty weed sucks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That doesn’t even look like cannabis. Can’t complain when you buy the cheapest shit. I got an eighth of buds for $2.75 it was ok. Nothing to write home about.

Here’s a picture I found online of this stuff. It might be mixed with herbs and spices.

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I know a lot of strange people, so the question becomes stranger than who?! ROFLMAO


If you can’t grow it yourself for whatever reason , find a friend who grows and buy thier weed.
Support your local growers not your local government taxed dispo weed.
I will never buy from a licensed dispensary or canna store… I had never been inside one till this past december when I was shopping for a gift even though it’s been legal to do so for a few years now ( :canada: ) .
when I got back into growing in 2015 it was my friends bugging me to fire up a garden that got me back into it full time. Then when things went legal here they all started buy from the dispensaries and stores… leaving me high and dry and no way to fund the garden by selling it’s produce. Oh well, I’m still growing anyways and aways have lots of variety and lots to make concentrates from.


It’s like anything else, if doesn’t taste good you would not eat it. Right. So if it doesn’t taste :tongue: good don’t smoke :no_smoking: it. :wink::+1::face_with_raised_eyebrow::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


It looks like ground up weed…the purple spots are pieces of leaves…

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Looks like the shake shit they sell at dispos around here…ya know ground up shit with more shit added to.it and ground up…

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Out of curiosity did you ever ask them why they preferred dispensary weed over yours especially since they asked you to start again?


Yea @SHSC-1 I’d want to know why my buddies left me hanging. Was your price way higher than a dispo? Did you force them to hang out before a purchase, while you sported a bathrobe with your junk hangin out like Terry & Dennis (aka the flappy bird brothers) from Trailer Park Boys? :laughing:


@Gonzo and @Emeraldgreen I was curious as well but in reality they all live 5 hrs driving on the hwy from me. It gave me excuses to drive down every few weeks. Perhaps it was all just more covenient for them to get weed down there. Also there are the online sites popping up everywhere that do mail order 50 dollar ounces LOL
My story is not unique, guys who padded thier income flippin a pound or two by the ounce to friends every crop just isn;t happening much anymore. Not where Im from anyways.