OverGrow Discord: Come and See Us!

If youre anything like me you sit around for hours refreshing your OG and waiting for something to happen!πŸ–“πŸ–“πŸ–“πŸ–“

:earth_americas::earth_asia:**WELL WAIT NO LONGER!!!**:earth_americas::earth_asia:
The Official Overgrow Discord Chat nhas been up and running since March and since it’s inception , has helped countless members find answers to their problems and friends they never knew they could make!

We have members from all over the world providing some of the best help for the topics of our long laments, sleepless nights, and hard work that we put into this great endeavour!

we’re here to help when you cant find a specific answer to a very specific problem…

we’ll look at your pictures! we’ll listen to your stories! hell! we just may be the coolest people since Samuel L. Jackson did the ice bucket challenge!! :dark_sunglasses:

So come on down to Discord! :thought_balloon::right_anger_bubble::left_speech_bubble: Overgrow.com :speech_balloon::right_anger_bubble::thought_balloon:

(if you dont want to download the app, there is a browser supported version you can use)