OverGrow Poster 24x36, 45 OG pics, your pic in the center. Fundraiser to support OG

The Eagle Has Landed

The poster arrived in the Isthmus today. Need to make a frame at the weekend.

I love it …Thanks again to all involved.




Nice…and those are, without a doubt, the coolest eagles on the planet!


I’m voting for Eagley.


Tell me this thing isn’t totally badass, not to mention it’s claws are the size of a grizzlys claws


A year in the nest with mum till fledge.

Even the eaglet got the Harpy Look.
This eerie is in the Darien Gap, but there are still getting persecuted by Hunters, egg collectors…and Pestesides.

Pop of Panama is 700 pairs…starting to get better as nests etc getting protected…fingers crossed …ye a Bird like weed need protecting.





Picked up my poster yesterday. Thanks again to all involved. Also thank you for everything @Heliosphear .this will be most memorable.


Hey @Heliosphear , got my posters today, thanks. Now I know why they didn’t deliver them, they were marked COD and I had to pay $15.81 to get them from the post office :roll_eyes: Then they gave me the box and well, let’s just say they did a really shitty job transporting these. They broke the box right in half and damaged the posters so there are marks going straight up the middle of them. Argh.


My box had some damage on it as well but the poster was ok.

I have repaired creases in posters with a steam iron on low heat and a cotton bandana between the iron and poster.


I love this photo!


That sucks and there such nice posters . Maybe the post office will buy you new ones ?


Could be, I have to call them. Also not sure why they charged me to pick them up. The woman there was just a waste of oxygen as far as I could tell. I had to mail a package to France to complete a trade. I was having issues with the format of their address system so I could not figure out how to make the waybill online like I do all my other waybills. I told her this when I got there and had the bubble mailer addressed with a label in the format the guy gave to me. The useless twit told me they wont ship it and I have to go online and fill out the customs form. I explained that I was having issues with that so I came in to the post office for assistance and she just kept saying I had to do it online and she could not do anything for me. So first she hands be a box basically broken in half and tells me that it’s not their issue, then wouldn’t ship my package for me without me going online and filling out the form which I couldn’t. This is why I do all my shipping online, so I don’t have to speak to useless idiots. Why do they even pay morons like that I wonder, so they can stand there pointing at a QR code telling people to scan the code and do everything themselves. So I guess now you need to bring a smartphone with a data plan just to ship something through Canada post. I got her name and when I am in a better mood I will call and express my disgust at their lack of service.


I may just give that a try. It’s got some really nasty creasing in multiple directions that’s hard to get a good pic of.


That damage blows! I’d be asking for the damaged item to be paid for. You’d surely think they would do at least that.

As far as the halfwit…yeah, that’s why I stay out of public places like that as much as I can. I try so hard not to be rude, but I have no patience with people that have about as much use as a soggy napkin. What little verbal filter I have ceases to exist. I think being passive aggressive is one of my best qualities, hehe.


@DougDawson Cash on Delivery? The receipt that came with your order clearly states the shipping was paid, the COD thing is way phuckedup. I will talk to Zazzle about getting replacements for you and have them contact the Canadian mail service to reimburse them for replacements. I’ll get it sorted out. Thank you for box pics and poster damage, will send with the request for replacement.


If the paper is torn or cracked it won’t work but for creases it does.


Thanks @Heliosphear, don’t go to too much trouble my friend. This was totally outside your control. As for the COD thing, I have no idea but did keep the box and receipt in case needed as they show the COD charge.

I will give it a shot @Shadey , thanks.


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@Pigeonman :rofl:

@DougDawson Zazzle has been contacted, will keep you in the loop.
@MonasticDank Your OverGrow the World poster has shipped, won’t have a tracking number for you until it hits the Canadian Border.
@Smoklahoma Your OverGrow the World Poster ships today, Tracking number tomorrow.

Have a Great Friday.


Thank you for you efforts good sir

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@Heliosphear and @CanuckistanPete , my custom Overgrow poster arrived last friday but I was only able to get to the Po Box today.
The box was broken in the same manner that others here have shown. My poster isn’t perfect as a result but the impact is quite minor. I am super happy with it regardless.
I need to go pick up a nice frame before I can show it off.

A thousand thankyou’s to @Heliosphear for making this happen and a huge special thanx to @CanuckistanPete for payng for and gifting me this poster.
And … a big congrats to all my fellow OG’s who’s pics made the poster!!!

@Lady.Zandra63 … I am probably gonna have to draw in a doobie for your pic hehehe

cheers everyone and have a great weekend!!