Panama Red strain ----which would you grow

No problem I even send cash Yes ! USA delivery (world wide)- as mentioned been sending cash to them for years , takes about 3 week - they stay in contact with you also !!! using them for at least 10 years +


i have always seen them and thought maybe but never ordered so i just left it at maybe, ill look and see what i can find. and of course my budget, the biggest block sometimes if you know what i mean

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Blue Magoo is a very good genetics - Mass Medical has some very good genetics of

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Snow High emails us a list every quarter. @Guitarzan knows more than I do.
Cryptic Labs also has a Panama Red that you can find for a freebie sometimes. That one flowers 14 to 16 weeks and if it’s anything like their oaxacan it’s excellent.


thanks !! will check it out

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Costals panama red seems like its close enough to real deal, has a decent amount of cbd with some with a lot of cbd which lends credence to its authenticity to me and its narrow leaf n flowers a while but not quite in the 20+ week range from what I remember so maybe not quite pure but it seems close


I’ll have to check his out. Sounds like its proper landrace. I’ve got the 74 Red Cross Panama to run at some point. Looking forward to that!


they are canada breeder

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Here’s a pic of what I was told was panama red, no red pistils but top is green and bottoms of leaves are red


I will chime in here and say that my opening with growing ace seeds was a few free Panama regulars that came with an order from Canada. Out of those two one was a keeper and although it came in at about 21% peak THC it was a feel good all day kind of smoke and I enjoyed it. Yielded well. Bright pink pistols starting about the 4th week. Aces Panama line is well worked and reliable. That’s all I can say. Good luck


that looks like a good Panama, Snowhighs pure panama Red is one of the besters, a critical Person said its pretty pretty good.


Wasn’t panama suppose to be a long finisher though? This girl is only on day 50, don’t get me wrong it’s a bomb and greasy frosty plant just didn’t see the famed red pistils, grew like a sativa but finishing like an indica


i dont know, cant say.


Yeah, True Panama Red is long flowering. Very. Not always red pistils. Yours sounds like Ace Panama. Short flowering. Mine went 9-11 weeks.


Well something I feel is worth mentioning is they are flowering under natural day light in my greenhouse, currently at 9:56 for day light hours plus twilight (give or take an hour), been doing some reads that getting that low of light hours a day kinda gives those longer finishers that extra shove to finish up before winter comes but hits yield cuz they never really got a chance to fatten up. Kinda wonder if that’s what’s going on here that they look ready by Friday which will be 8 weeks


Could be, tho i had one Ace Panama that finished in 6 weeks believe it or not. They are fast.

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Thanks for the information – was considering Ace but ran into this their Panama Red whichy is " Refferman’s" Panama Red x sativa (panama red) any one have experience with “Dr.GreenThumb” it has some interesting strains many “true” lance strains

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the ones’s I llked at are 16 weeks (+) saying that it’s a long flower time (at least 3 month’s) maybe true landrance strains

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for true landrances strains consider this === veg at 12/12 for 3 weeks - then in the transition stage (pre-flower) give it a 24-36hr darktime - then a flower time of 10/14 - this will cur down your flower time to 85-95 days this will give you control over height control and faster finish

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Shit, I vegged for 2 months and threw em out in the greenhouse oct 15th, think we had 11:30 hours of daylight at that point and down to about 10 now( not counting Twilight times) and that fucker looks ready for chopping Friday at 8 weeks(56 days)

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