Panama Red strain ----which would you grow

I’ve grown Ace seeds Panama and snow High seeds double Panama and out of the two I would definitely choose snow High unless you are extremely concerned with flowering time. I found that Ace plants finished in 8 to 10 weeks, with one of them about finished at week 6 believe it or not. The buzz was nothing to write home about. I gave nearly all of it away.
The snowhigh double Panama is a long flowering variety, flowering 18 to 24 weeks. It’s a hybrid between the Red Cross 1974 Panama, and Breeder’s Choice organization Panama collected in 2003 or 2004. I saw some killer plants, although they were entirely seeded and I didn’t smoke anything. Some of this smells were incredible, and there was excellent resin coverage on a couple of phenotypes.
Cannabiogen Panama Falls somewhere between Ace and snow high in flowering time,
and it looks like it’s a good compromise between long flowering and fast flowering. Sativa lovers will probably find something to their taste, and people who enjoy tighter buds will probably find something to their taste.
The only pure Panama out there is the 1974 Panama.