Paoleschi's first grow (Brazilian)

Cara, pior que ela tá bem bonita agora, não sei se é mais pra indica do que as outras, mas saca só:


Time for an update. Plants are growing along nicely, some of them got transplanted and i’ve also to manifold the older ones.

Also, the veg/cloning tent is almost done, just missing the exaust that’s gonna go in today.

Took some clones already as a learning exercise. I’m using coco and some cloning root gel. If they work out alright i’m flowering them so they can tell me their sex.


One has a light burn, but since i’ve moved it away from the light it showed no more symptoms.

14 hours after cutting:

See ya :).

None of my clones seem to have taken root. Maybe I did something wrong, I don’t know, 9 days since they’ve been cut.

Also, can I cut down the lowest branch ?

Thanks, I will update it soon.

Hey guys, long time no see. Things are coming along nicely here, had to get rid of a dwarf plant but all the others are growing and growing.

Manifold worked too, actually it was easy to do and very foolproof, all you have to do is look out to not damage the growing tips. Some more pics:

Also my veg tent is almost done, all i have to do now is to find a way to hang the lights closer to the ceiling. I can’t really use the upper level with the current light height, and my hangers are already at the highest setting. Pic to explain:

The plants that were just below the light had to be rearrenged to the lower level, above the cloning dome:

Also all the clones have rooted, took a little longer than i thought (last one took 20 days) but it worked, i’ll transplant them tomorrow just to learn how a clone grows differently than a seedling.

Guess that’s all, appreciate ideas for hanging the light higher.

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Saw something that got me worried too

Is it a pest or something ? didn`t see anymore of these or any bugs