Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run "CLOSED"

I recently purchased the 2500 for a 2 x 4 tent. According to the specs I should also be able to flower with it at 18"- 24" inside of a 2 × 4 .
But I also run atm a 1000 viraspectra for veg and I can’t pass 75% without burning and deficiencies. I haven’t had a problem with this light, but have yet to flower with em.
I’ll watch what you do @DougDawson


In my 3x3x6 tent I have a pro series P1500. In my 2x4x8 tent I have (2) high efficiency pro series P600. They are side side by side.
I won’t clog this thread any further with light chatter. :flushed:


Say what you will, thread is here to converse as well as show the grow:) Your comments on any subject are welcome.


Great looking grow Doug!
Those fans are HUGE!

Interested to see how the Viparspectra lights work out.
I’m running 2 of their units in my 4x4 for veg - a VA1200 (265w) and a TC600 (270w).

Their new units look really nice - following along!

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Good to have you along brother, it’s been fun so far. The new light is nicer than I expected, I have high hopes it will perform well but either way it will happen here live for all to see. The PPP were really light sensitive but they grew out of it.


Watching for results!

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Where did you get the cup thing? I am researching for when I start growing this fall.

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It’s a pollen shaker, kind of cool. Got if off Amazon. They have it on US and CAD Amazon sites.


So true, I was using one one my seedlings. It caught itself on fire when I turned it on for the second round this year.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


So looks like some magic is starting again.


Why can I only see half the photos?

Ok it’s fixed now lol


Nice fan and pod shots! Looking good, you couldn’t have asked for better males!


Thanks. Seems to take a minute to format the grid galley stuff after you upload it. Always cleans itself up in a minute. Just didn’t want to load so many in the typical way and make people scroll for miles :slight_smile: I agree, they seemed temperamental when they were babies but sure seem to be doing good now. We got @lefthandseeds to thank for solid seeds. Perhaps their being temperamental was just my doing. Either way they are looking healthy. Gonna make lots of beans.


I appreciate that man, my thumbs still recovering from those giveaways😆


Timing the males can be tricky because they always want to dump the pollen early. Be the first to spread their genes. Those boys are getting ready to bust but the females aren’t close yet. If the ladies are pollinated too early, with few white hairs, they might not grow many seeds. They’ll focus on growing those babies and might not pop as many pistils afterwards. Try to hit them around the 3 week mark when pompom buds are forming. Lots of white hairs = lots of seeds.

If the males really let loose soon, I would think about separating them to give the ladies more time. Collect the pollen and hit them at the right time.

They are looking lush. Nice work! Beans will be made either way.


Listen to the man^^^


Good to see you still poking around here @OleReynard. I hope you’re doing well!


The fact is I would have loved to veg the males longer but I am out of time. I can separate them, that’s easy enough to do. Thanks for the input, will move them tonight.


Ok so segregation has commenced. Should I be putting something under these plants to help collect any falling pollen. First time doing this so happy to hear any tips. I have always killed males until I joined OG. People here changed my perspective but at the same time made me a total novice. Got a pollen shaker as well.


The good folks here just helped me last week. They had me put white typing type paper under it. It brushed right off easy pezzy.
:green_heart: :seedling: