Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run "CLOSED"

Thanks man for the kind words and guidance. One thing down, 10,000 to go.


Hey there OGers. So it’s been a tough day. Work was like the pit of hell, the post office marked 150 seeds as delivered to me but did not deliver them and the poor PPP AC was left off. I turned it off last night when I collected pollen and forgot to turn it back on. What a dumbass. So at 8 pm an alarm went off in my room to tell me it was at 40deg Celsius. So anyway, not a good day. The plants were dying of thirst when I got the alarm so I quickly fed them so they should be ok but they look horrible right now. So to be honest and show the reality of this mess I am going to post pictures. If you are faint of heart do not look. They should be better tomorrow. Man I feel likes such a moron. Just felt it was important to show the bonehead moves as well as the good stuff.


Shit happens bro. No worries plants will bounce back. Sometimes the post office says items are delivered, then it actually shows up the next day. On a rare occasion they deliver to the wrong apt or house #. If that’s the case you can request CP to find your package :package: for you. I’ve done it before, it’s not terribly painful :cry: Today is almost gone & tomorrow is a new day, so everything that was horrible today, will start fresh tomorrow and likely on track to be a better day then the last. Keep your head up friend, good things are to come.

Take the mask :mask: off, take a long deep breath & say out loud , Fuck It
 Tomorrow is a new day.


Thanks bud, just so sad looking at the plants. Was only a few hours so I am sure they will be fine. I am hardest on myself, it’s a bad habit. Appreciate the kind words brother. I just felt it was important to post the bad pics as well as the good. Well that and vent a bit :slight_smile:


Anytime bro. :blush:
I’ve had a many of these shitty days myself.
You can always watch videos of people slipping on :ice_cube: ice. Makes me laugh :sweat_smile::rofl:

Your place is so hot you need AC too cool off your tent? You don’t vent the hot air outside?


The heat of the lights is just too much for that room and it hit almost 26 deg today outside. The tent alarm went off at 40. Always been like that in the south facing rooms. The window air conditioner does a great job hooked to the inkbird but it’s only good if it’s on. I should really put a vent in that lets the hot air into the attic but I blasted r50 into the attic so it would be like being in a bouncy house of insulation. Just poor planning when they built the place. It will be fine, I am confident of that, just looks so sad now. Thought it was a good idea to post my bonehead mistake.


There tough they’ll bounce back . Never hurts to stress test .


stuff happens - just give them a bit of TLC and they’ll bounce back in 4-5 days max



Thanks OGers, I appreciate it. I am sure they will be fine, just a tough day. Going to go give out some seeds to make myself feel better :slight_smile:


Bro don’t worry about it. This strain survived in Afghanistan and then 50 years in the Colorado mountains. It’s a tough son of a bitch. I’ll bet they come right back.


Yeah, I am sure they will. They just look horrible from sucking all the water out of their leaves. That’s what I get for using small pots instead of my regular 5 gallon fabric pots but I wanted to keep them small. Thanks bud.


I wouldn’t vent into the attic = mold .
Vent out the đŸȘŸ window like in this picture

You can even vent hot air out the same window your ac is in, depending if you have a dubble or single window. :smirk:

Mine is set up to suck fresh air from my room, into the tent, then through my AC Infinity & out the window for good.

From the outside of your house, everyone will just assume it’s an Ac hole in your window and nothing more.


I do vent out the window but that room has always been hot even with central air. There is no place for the heat to go. All rooms should have passive floor and ceiling vents for best air flow IMO.


 I get it now :laughing: it’s like my bedroom haha

My bedroom faces south, has 2 sides of brick walls covered in metal shingles and no incoming air. Just air from the living room windows.

I’d change things if I could, but I’m sure the landlord wouldn’t be happy about me working on the building :upside_down_face:


Well I hope my seeds are in that batch and that you get them! And I’m sure these guys will bounce right back. They’re tough buggers. I haven’t managed to kill one yet in spite of myself.


And you still find time to give away seeds! Take time for you @DougDawson , those plants will bounce back stronger for the challenge! :muscle::grinning:


THose girls will perk back up in no time, been there done that. It’s not fun when you forget to turn on AC and they droop so damn badly. But, they’ll perk back up bro


Well I checked the plants before going to bed and they had perked up quite a bit already. Collected 4 more ML of pollen and will check them today after work. Just got a call from Canada Poat stating they screwed up and will deliver package today. Today is going to be a good day :slight_smile:


See brother, like I mentioned. Today is a new day on the path for a good one :+1:


Yes sir, new day, new perspective. Ready to take on whatever comes my way. Thanks brother.