Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run "CLOSED"

No update tonight ladies and gentlemen. Been busy chopping down a plant but will be back later with something for you all :slight_smile:


Now I’m a peep-show seekin’ on the forty-deuce - I’m a killer at large and I’m on the loose!

Gotta love the Beasties!


Well, how did the chopping go last night? :thinking: Did you get lost in the jungle? Doug? Doug? :wink:


Lol, no still kicking. Just getting work all squared away so I can go up to the lake tomorrow for a 5 day weekend. How are you today:)


Life has had me pretty busy these last few weeks. Just finished building a 250+ sf floating deck for the front yard. Crazy heat wave this week, so I think I’ll find some indoor work to do. I have a few plants in the tent that I’m trying to LITFA. So far, they seem to be doing ok. (just don’t want to jinx it by showing any photos.) One of them is from the C99 x ? from you. I call Cindy Lou Who. I hope you enjoy your lake time. :v:


Very cool. I am not sure what work I have in store for me yet, gotta get up there to see what winter did to the place. Than I have 4 jet skis, 4 boats and 2 atvs to get fired up and ready to go.


:cowboy_hat_face: have 6 different pollen’s what do you think if you was to mix them together real good and place them on good flowers of Kyptonite what than would you come up with my pollen is Afghan, UK Cheese, Gorilla Glue, Black eyed Kate, DayDream, Royal legend well i am doing it right now anxious waiting to see what it come out as. :mask: ,


I guess my issue with that would be having no idea what you end up with. Which strain’s pollen created which seed. I suppose if you want to do it than why not, just won’t have any idea what the seeds will produce.


I was thinking the same thing. I would hate to get a banger of a strain and have to idea what it was from, lol


I’d use bags and mark selected branches so you can have a good idea of what crosses you have later.


:cowboy_hat_face:i live on a large lake 24/7 and love it but i just got rid of my jet ski to much for an oldie like me any more to handle but i still have my bass boat my pride and joy (Ranger) with a 135
EXP Engine its quick my brother ran it under a bridge here he had a police friend that shot it with radar while going under it pegged at 92 MPH that will part your hair in the wind. :mask:


:cowboy_hat_face:is what i was thinking will each bud taste the same or will they all taste different and be different just an experiment :mask:

Very cool, I have nothing that goes that fast any more. My poor StarCraft is heading for the graveyard after a tornado picked it up, spun it around and dropped it on the rocky shore. Busted a big hole in the hull. I got a 16 foot aluminum, a 1975 Grew runabout, a 1969 Chrysler Valiant and a Four Wins Horizon 180 cruiser to play with though.


:cowboy_hat_face:thats to bad that starcraft is a good looking rig i guess it found out it couldnt fly :mask:


LOL, yeah. I had that boat for a couple decades, took it everywhere. Put a new Mercury 115EFI 4 stroke on it which was a bit big for that boat but man was it whisper quiet. I was doing the hull repair at one point and than just decided I needed to let that one go. I have to move the motor and take it to the dump. I am just lazy, the motor weights 400 lbs dry and a little more with fluid in it so never happy when I have to move it.


So what the heck, still up, might as well give an update. Killed the male that was still producing pollen. Got a fair amount again but won’t be here to collect for a few days so off with his head. Buds are forming up nicely. Man is that tent in serious need of a cleaning.


Love that shot of the thermostat !! Looks amazing bud!


I don’t think you got enough pollen! :laughing:


What’re you gonna call the strain you just crossed PPP and that thermostat? It HAD to’ve gotten pollinated, as much as there is on it!

edit… after thinking about it I vote for ‘High-n-Dry’ :grin: :sunglasses:

edit 2…lol, actually there wasn’t any thought in it, that popped into my head after i just finished this joimt!


@DougDawson sell all your boats and get building. Google " Mini Runabout speedboat" perfect for two people.