Papalag : Chronicles of a mad hippie Or what a madman does with three tents, five octopots and a crap load of seeds

You see this paps ? overkill yes but so cooooool lol it’s even got wheels : )


Wow now That’s how to keep a clone isolated till proven well lol

I like that for a male flowering chamber :thinking:


Everything that you need you place in chamber at start , passive hep filter on bottom side , and a hep filter with computer fan on top , fill tube from outside straight into pot sealed , cut two holes and tape pair of rubber doin dishes gloves , voila lol


I don’t think you’re crazy, mate, specially after watching your good harvest results :yum:. Just feel like it is going back in time and adding more days to the grow, I am too anxious for that excitado|nullxnull but tempted to try it some day. In fact, this is the first time I topped, more panic from stretching than experimenting, I hope the results will lead me to continue that path …

Remember that Blackened Oranges :kissing_heart:, willing to see your results in this one … beer3|nullxnull


Beautiful plants my brother


Pic of bubble monkey picked at 80 days from flip
No cure as of yet



Man I’d love to cure some buds that look like that

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Very very nice! :star_struck:


Pics of that bubble monkey make my monkey bubble! :monkey: :rofl:


Bro best free bee I ever got calyx brothers fem

Damn nice.


It looks delicious :yum:


I picked the mom at 72!days and she is tasty and a good buzz
But much stronger at 80 days


What’s the longest you would go ? I’m curious as to why people don’t go even longer?


It depends on trichomes ( 20/80 amber to cloudy and effect and what people are suggesting harvesting at ) also if I’m out of weed or not

If it’s on its own and I don’t need the space I’ve gone 16 weeks I would go longer

I am better set up for short term
But 84 days after flip is really only 10 weeks from bud development normally

But now that I have the bigger tent the sky is the limit lol :joy: my new tent is 20 inches taller then the old one


Yeah I plan on letting even more be amber… I believe it just makes it stronger… with a small diminishing in genetic medical qualities… etc . . I don’t care about distinguishable effects as much as I do a buzz that rocks your world type bud… I feel like both are great… but sometimes you just want to be completely baked out of your mind… that’s the maturity difference is it not? That mostly amber trichomes kind of bud


Now be carful if you wait too long the potency diminishes


Thanks for the heads up Terpsnpurps. :slight_smile:

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LOL! Gotta love that, “need some weed, I’ll go to my tent and get a branch!!”
@Papalag you rock sir!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


True Papalag.
When trichomes are all ranging in color from amber to brown, this is when the plant has reached its full maturity. If you are growing cannabis solely for THC content, you must act quickly—once the trichomes turn amber, they start to degrade in quality. By the time the plant is all amber and starting to turn brown, most of the THC has naturally converted to CBN which has very relaxing, sleep-aiding, and couch-locking properties.

ref: veriheal. com

From what I have read, the “stoned out of your mind” effects lessen considerably as the trichomes begin to darken past amber. I would think if you went over 40 or 50 percent amber, some of the trichomes are into the darker brown color which means less THC and more CBN. You will be locked into the couch, pain, anxiety lessened… but you won’t have that THC kick in the head kinda buzz.

I am relatively new to all this so it’s just book learning with only four grows worth of experience so take it at that value. lol


I try to grow a small plant of each and harvest at different times or even 1/2 the plant but I always try a bud along the way to see if it’s what I like
Once it’s what I’m looking for it’s chop time