Papalag : Chronicles of a mad hippie Or what a madman does with three tents, five octopots and a crap load of seeds

When it’s all said and done, that’s all I do too. I figure I grow six to ten different strains each run. Different strains have differing needs but also have differing potentialities in strength of high duration of buzz, and just how it effects a person.
How could trichomes be a cut and dried % of amber for X effect? It doesn’t make sense to me so I sample and chop. :slight_smile:


Thank you for the description man!!! That is very helpful!


No problem. I found it interesting too. :v:


That bubble monkey looks amazing man!! Very detailed, great gardens!!


How’s them girls lookin paps ?

: )


I’m living vicariously through you at the moment… we need pix of monster plants :laughing: :rofl:


Ok You asked for it I’m taking pics now

@ifish As soon as I could recover from taking hash oil capsules I took earlier this morning😜


OK time for a report
@Terpsnpurps in an attempt to produce monsters . I decided to go with the scrub technique this time the main line.

I talked to plant a couple days ago they look like they’re responding quite nicely and to top off a few more main branches in an effort to slow down the faster growing plants

Oil spill x Black lime reserve Fat heavily serrated Indica looking leaves I’ll be curious to see how close is it goes to black sunshine being that has black line reserving it

Bshw x herijuana this one I had a little close to the light in the beginning ,older leaves have burn marks at the tips

Black sunshine same in the cooking serrated leaves as the oil spill cut

Last one is grape earth

The 4 Octopots are running 12 days it’s most likely safe to say roots hit the Reservoir

I’ll fill in and prune all branches and cull anything that’s not going to produce well

Still feeding a mix of 20/20/20 and Epson salts as well as 15.5 /0/0 it’s about a 2 /1/1 ish ppms 500
I did add the rhizotonic. The last feed and will save the rest for the 5 th Octopot as soon as the mtf shows sex

Up potted and topped the extra females to 2 gallon fabric bags also feed as above

My male’s 2 black sunshine I think this one will be something to keep around so I decided to make a few and save some pollen

This time I’ll contain the males in the small tent but after pollen collection and a quick clean back to Octopot madness


Man that all looks great!!! Even the burnt tip plant looks great… if mine were that green with a tiny burnt tip I’d be happy!!! Great job man!!

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Still spending :expressionless: this is over 400 dollars… I hate it so much man… . but w @ifish helping I believe this ball and chain is about to detach…


I just purged the tincture I made some I turned into oil for canna capsules and some I purged in half co cut down on the alcohol

I love canna capsules


Man down man down
Taps playing in the background
I must say it’s a sad day the Marley natural glass pipe my go to pice had an abrupt stop on a concrete floor it is no longer and I must now order a new one

I would order a fancy glass hand blown piece but the Marley is so easy to clean

Or should I say pieces



RIPieces. :cry:


New toy arrived for the tent

Fan mount attachment for the poles

Got these on esty works well


Just be cautious of the screw that connects the fan to the mount.

I tried designing a few mounts like that for exactly the same fan, and they worked for a little while then layers would split and that screw falls out. Hope he printed out of PETG or ABS, might last longer. I gave up on the mounts because most of my iterations failed and I don’t wanna be blamed for fans falling on plants…

Perhaps tie a little safety strap from the back of the fan grate to the pole above the mount, just in case yours splits like mine did.


Yeah I was thinking of using a zip tie to be safe 2 great minds think :thinking: a like


Just want to revisit this a second. I would really love to see all eat cannabis, it is where the miracle is, I hope all who are interested, go ahead and make a tincture and perhaps go further and turn it into cannabis oil. It is amazing medicine. Has kept me in remission with MS for over a decade, I do not believe I have developed any new lesions. I was in a Wheelchair at one time, due to so much pain I could not walk distances, CBD healed my spine enough I am able to walk without even a cane now, although I probably should use one I determined to not as long as possible.

I had several strokes, my health is a mess, I could not read a paragraph and retain it, I could not read and comprehend, and all I did my whole life was read. Very depressing, incomes CBD and it healed my brain enough I can now teach others and even make my own recipes.

I was on insulin, which never controlled my sugar levels, I was on 300 units of short-term insulin and 200 units of long-term insulin a day, and it still did not control my sugars. I was having highs and lows to the point I needed to keep an emergency pen to bring my sugars up. Using Cannabis Oil got me off insulin and I am on a low dose oral med. I have dropped 20 medications due to Eating cannabis.

There are a few things cannabis has not helped, but overall it is an amazing, diverse medicine, that treats so many health conditions without doing the harm as pharmie meds do.

Please do yourself a favor and start eating cannabis, it could make a dramatic change in your life. Not trying to be bossy, I have just witnessed the miracle myself and my hope is that others find the same.


Just made these I just purged my tincture like you said
I did leave it a little bit more loose chest to be more manageable with a syringe

I do try and make more when needed just need to grow more absolutely amazing thank you again for everything you do


I wish I could. My liver lacks the enzyme necessary to process THC and I don’t see any CBD benefits happening either.

I love that it’s helping you though! I’m hoping that the tincture I made will help my friend. She has numerous devistating illnesses. Last night was her first dose ever.


Hopefully this will help
Sending prayers and good my brother