Paws and effect šŸŖ“šŸŒ±



Thatā€™s hilarious man.

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Canā€™t imagine that , I dry 14 to 18 days before bagging . 30 percent , no way I would hang a plant in that ā€¦

Comes out decent that way ?


Iā€™ve been in this rh for 10 years. I have been drying it on a rack for three days total then when still a bit dampish I bag it in turkey bags and burp every 24 hours after storing in a cooler. Works every time, and I get some really killer smoke. I have no where else to dry, and where I am there is an industrial dehumidifier running all the time. Set to 30 rh. Kind of sucks. But Iā€™ve learnt to deal


@Rhino_buddy mail recieved. Thank you much!. Should be fun to grow real native American bred plants. I wonder if they are native to the people whom bred it. @middleman mail recieved, thank you much!. Hey @misterbee mail recieved once again, you are great my friend. I read somewhere you had 1500 strains plus. :crazy_face:


@Jetdro I just checked the rh meter for the area we are in and itā€™s been holding around 40- 42 rh all day. My bud is still decently wet. And does need to dry more. I estimated wrong on the time it would take to dry as opposed to what it has done before. The bud is back on the rack drying. Although I still think it will take only a day to fully dry in this humidity. Still should turn out great.

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I used to have similar issues and made it work . I donā€™t miss burping and continuously checking buds, too bad you couldnā€™t build a small dry room .

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He could use large totes


Yes I agree. I just have dealt like you said. It was hard when I didnā€™t have a tent and was in closets. :rofl: then rooms. Finally picked up a 4x8 and a 3x3ā€¦they are the best.!


I use a large cooler. Works great.
Edit for the cureā€¦

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Ya gotta do what ya gotta do . Iā€™m about ready for a harvest too . I was lucky enough to have an extra room for a dry room . Been where your at too , we do what we can with what we have at the moment . As you say , it will all be fine


I like that view on it bud. Good to hear your going to have a harvest soon! Wish the best for you.


Thanks be a first for me with a climate controlled room , thinking Iā€™m gonna like it


Thatā€™s neat,. Do you use co2? I have always thought about it. But I have never delved into it. Mostly use it for the kegerator.
Edit 8020 nitro co2 for beer. And co2 for the sodaā€¦


Yes I do

Not tanks I use the bags , my big tent and tent 2 have CO2 . 2 large bags in each tent . Makes a difference here


Iā€™m a firm believer in c02 especially in the hotter months .

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I bought a few bags once. Although they were puffed like hell. I didnā€™t see much of a difference. I have heard tanks pumping it in the tent over the plants does work. With the co2 controller regulator and what notā€¦

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I have a tank and a regulator. I just donā€™t trust it that muchā€¦itā€™s a manatee. No controller.


Iā€™ve got a burner just set and forget runs on natural gas .


Cost to set one up from scratch??

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