Paws and effect 🪴🌱

Maybe I should run co2 some time… I’m thinking I might…I have the tank. A regulator…???

Tank and gadgets shouldn’t be too bad guessing 300 maybe I think I paid 650.00 for the burner and a couple hundred for the controller

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If you can swing a propane or natural gas one in the long run it’s cheaper and a lot more convenient than c02 tanks .


So how much ?

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Quick search 676.00 Amazon usd


So I kept my two Mac 1 plants in the tent alive. Been giving them minimal attention. Just gave some h2o and now here are some sticky nug shots!!!. Behold the mac1 chronic buds.!!!


Also at the beginning of this year on the day, we made Sour dough starts. They are doing well. Here are some of the loafs I have baked. Also been making pizza dough, pretzels, biscuits, pan cakes… the name of the start is the penal colony…specifically from the hades universe

and pretzels lol


Also been doing some smoking like tough man… smoking cheese. Sharp cheddar, medium. Pepperjack, Colby jack, mozzarella sticks, sugar, salt, cheese it’s, oyster crackers, goldfish :rofl:


That is really awesome looking, and frosty… great job on her, I love those pretzels and smoked cheese… what do you do with all that food ?

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Thems some mighty fine lookin’ milk loaves you have in dem-dar smoke!

:drooling_face: :cheese: :smoking:


We enjoy it throughout the time it sticks around of course. After it has rested for a couple weeks it’s good to eat. Also this way we don’t pay 8 bucks for 3 Oz of smoked cheese. This is way cheaper. We will give some away as well.


Also we don’t buy bread. We make it, so pretzels we’re just a thought that day. I like to cook and have been trying to save some money…hence the smoking of the cheese. Making sourdough. It’s helping!. Plus we’re eating a ton better.


Thanks man. They should be really good. Sealing all the cheese up today for the rest.
I love cheese :rofl: :cheese:


Look what I scored six ps of gizzards!!! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Giblets make the best gravy.
Also turkey necks make amazing sandwiches. if you cook a neck to make broth or gravy, or roast it, just pull the meat off the turkey neck in small pieces, like you would to make pulled pork. It’s delicious.

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Right on. I can’t wait to batter these up and deep fry them. Only one store the next town over had some. And he sold them to me for like a buck a lb. Dude was awesome I love these things. They are great.

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Got all my cheese sealed up and ready to rest. Also some crackers in jars. And some salt. Sugar too.


Well you’ve been busy.
That cheese looks great! Making me kinda hungry actually, lol. Never smoked cheese myself. How long u bet it’ll keep?

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I’m not sure on how long it’ll keep. Could freeze some if intake is low. But it needs to rest for 2 to 3 weeks before being good to eat. Or atleast taste good. I’d figure it would last as long as the regular date they put on it. Still saving a ton of cash smoking it myself and not buying each 2 to 4 Oz square for 9 bucks. I’m sure we’ll be nibbling on this for a good while. I plan on giving some to family as well.