Paws and effect 🪴🌱

Somebody trade me some lmao :rofl: I have beans!!!

Yeah if the turkey bags work fine for you I can understand sticking with it

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I’m out of money :rofl: big problem :sleepy: lol

That’s not a bad idea. Trade up right?

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Haha no the Grove bags work better for me. I only have a 10 pack of the 1 oz though or I would send you some for sure. You need bigger ones by the look of it :evergreen_tree:

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Lol yes thank you though!. I need like 3 elbows worth … I just posted a trade in trading post…

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Whomever hooks it up will get a nice haul of seeds :ok_hand:

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Lol for real. Good idea!

Dang I wish I got paid before 2 weeks from now I might take you up on that offer. Depending on how good the paycheck is I guess

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2 weeks is my chop window. :laughing: that would’ve been awesome.!!! Thanks anyways!!!

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Aw dang! Well someone else will jump at the opportunity yet.
Well, bed time for me. Have a great night @Pawsfodocaws and everyone else!

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Guten nacht


Lights out pics, sorry for the haze but I mean joints man… :laughing:

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O and i know theres some burn :fire: :sneezing_face: :crazy_face:


What size bags you looking for? 1lb size?

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Ya that’s about what I’m looking for. Or half p. Like three ps

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:crazy_face: you have a few extra???!! :rofl:

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You know I got the beans :rofl:

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I was thinking about ordering few for myself, but I might. Let me sleep on it. :wink:


I tried colour correcting this for ya and well the results were interesting at least. :rofl:

Great update @Pawsfodocaws , plants look both great and intimidating come trim jail time!



i know someone will hook you up with those groves this site has amazing people. if i was able to you know i would. i would go for 4 lb at least by the looks of it lol


Color fix :laughing:. My hands hurt at the site of them. Haha. 4lb might be where it’s at :rofl:
Btw thanks for the compliments!


Lol I’ve got a few people I’m messaging. Well see who makes a deal…