Paws and effect 🪴🌱

An awesome dude hooked it up hard!!! I’ll be showcasing them here and in the grove feed, as well as @Dirt_Wizard s thread.

I’m set for a while, this dude. Well I don’t know what to say. People here are amazing. :fire: :deciduous_tree: :circus_tent: :seedling: :blossom: :school_satchel: x99


8 weeks last sunday… @seeds2weeds were close in time man.


Holy shieeeet look at all those buds

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Hell yes buds everywhere!!!

Pushed them as far as I could this round. All flowering plants are going to be chopped at 9 weeks of flower. I know I’m missing out on a week but it’s all good this time. Turns out this whole time I have not really had to do any training. Except in the beginning, now they are all flopped over and hanging on each other. It’s going to be fun chopping and drying all of this beautiful nuggage. I’m really excited for it. Also to have a bunch of the mac1 bud this time, instead of a zip like last time. I’ll take pics before I chop them probably after as well. Also going to be doing a wet weigh in. I find around 70 to 75% loss in weight once fully dry. And I get really close to the number when I use that calculation. It’s always nice to have an estimate. Got some terp lock grove bags otw. Going to be doing a full cure in them. Can’t wait. Should work out well from what I’ve read of them.


giver! have fun trimming those beasts lol

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Giver? :rofl: I’m only looking forward to the end…shit

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giver as in get er dun!! lol. might beed a trimmer machine tho haha

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Man I think I over did it. :laughing: :rofl: looking at them is mesmerizing but it makes my back and hands forsee and almost feel the pain that is to come. I’ve thought about it a ton, I hate the idea of machine trimming. So much lost product imo. I’m probably going to take all nugs off dry and trim dry.


i will pray for your back and hands lmao. mine would be toast

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I appreciate it. :pray:

I little lost to the trimmer is a small price to pay saving hours / days of hand trimming .


Here are some pictures before I lay these girls down, …


:laughing: I guess they already are laying down :wink:


Laying down on the job is a good thing .


I don’t mind it. I have two fritter not netted leaning on a mac1 plant. Only in the beginning did I have to train them. Weight took it from there.


@Dirt_Wizard Grove bags arrived. So freaking awesome man! I appreciate the hell out of it!!! These are going to be awesome I bet. Thanks a ton I will be putting up reviews on them on the grove thread and your thread.



I look forward to those reviews my dude! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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They’ll be coming for the next year man. Dude hooked it up nicely. 1/8 pack1/4 Oz packs 1/2 Oz packs Oz packs. 2 gallon pack. 5 gallon packs. 27 gallon packs holy sheeeeeeet. I’m set. Fucking dope.


Damn @Dirt_Wizard, what s guy!