Paws and effect 🪴🌱

It was most likely because I had been improperly storing the gel. It went bunk after having it for 2 or so years. I got some new stuff and the clones have been taking much better.


Also planted another fritter


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Seen your praise of Lumpy for a while now .
Know how you think it compares to Mac , have also heard from many others how good it is.
I have same cut as you , 4 or 5 weeks into the flip . Been a pleasure to run so far , extremely good grower , and appears to be setting up for a real nice yield . Hope i like her as much as you :100:

Cant beat #8 and RR’s . Trouble rooting , look for bugs or health of mom plant

I have several plants that if not happy and clean , specially mites , throw cuts that wont root or take forever . Those same plants , happy n bug free , throw rooting cuts in 8 days or so , and 100 percent healthy too . I have learned through my own bug nightmare , when cuts dont root , look in the mirror :see_no_evil:


Thanks man I’ll check them out, glad to hear she’s doing good for you hope you like it. It’s some kill, I love it. My plants are rooting now. It’s all looking up man. I’m stoked to hear you have the lumpy cut.


She is a 6.5 foot , 20 armed big ass bitch , lol


The stretch is unreal

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@darkillusion got some beans thanks man. Also got big numbers and bruised wine or wife. Or something. Couldn’t figure it out. @CerebralMeds


And another fritter hits the solo cup.


One of my autos has damn near turned completely yellow :rofl: re used soil. Straight water this whole time. Smh. :laughing:. Funny little plant. Anyways my two mac1 moms are doing well, about to make the switch into the led tent soon. And the other 2 autos are doing good. So yup. Here they are.,


LOL. Not BruiZed Wife—that would be a pretty terrible strain effect. It’s BruiZed Wine: Sin City’s Blue Zu (Purple Yuzu x Blue Power) x SpritZer (Runtz x (Grape Pie x MAC)) (Fem), which is an unreleased cross made by NYCeeds that I won in a drawing. He gave me the whole line, so some 400+ seeds. I give them as extras and gifts. He sells the same crosses for $100 per 6 with a different mother, so they are valuable fems, too.


Good Morning brother lol my likes keep going away! :heart:


I’ve done the suddenly yellow plant thing before. I just yell at it and still smoke it. :man_shrugging:



He’ll yes. :rofl:


Good morning brother!

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Lol OK that’s sick. So they are fems then?

Yup. They are fems!

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Here are my autos, one is super greasy and stinky. Very citrus like. One smells like sweet candy. And the other just smells what something likened to brake clean would smell of.

here are my two new mac1 mothers doing there thing. and here’s my awesome new :fire: pit. Roasted some dank ass weenies over it last night.


Brake clean, huh? That’s a new one on me. :joy:

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Ya it was odd, I thought maybe it was from the shop, … I was wrong I brushed up against it and thought damn. This smells like it could cause a chemical burn :rofl:


Can’t wait to smoke it …

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