Paws and effect šŸŖ“šŸŒ±

Thanks guys. :blush: Iā€™ll be running some fem bots I think weā€™ll see what gets ran.!


@Hashpants @misterbee so these are not fems. F on the right is not for fem? What is it?


Yessir that is the Fems I made on the left.


Awesome, they shall be ran once Iā€™m ready!

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Thanks for the information guys!

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Indeed, Aloha OG are Fem, thus only three seeds. I was referring to the NL2 and 5 that I have. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Awe I see. Well thank you kindly @misterbee


Looks like I found my 15 seeds for the upcoming germination. 11 nl #2 from @Hashpants and 4 aloha og from @misterbee ā€¦

Appreciate everything guys!


If youā€™re still in Veg come late April/May timeframe, Iā€™ll probably beg, borrow, but not steal a Cut or two. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Been running the fridge and a charging cable for a while, havenā€™t been able to work in the room. Power is still out. Once again


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Bummer Paws I hate it when thereā€™s no power especially here in summer :hot_face: hope it gets sorted sooner than later bud. If I had spare coin Iā€™d invest in a small generator for the shed. Rest of the house can wait lol


Ya itā€™s a bummer. I have one for the fridge and a heater or microwave. Havenā€™t thought for one for the room yet. Havenā€™t been here long enough. :rofl:


Power came back. :muscle:. I cleaned out half the area. And now have space for my 5x5. The rest of the stuff needs to stay so I wonā€™t be cleaning it up( mostly organized boxes). :upside_down_face: I think I may be setting up my 5x5. With two tsw2000 lamps and I might throw in the vs1500 and scrap the 3x3 for now. Well see soon.


Totally didnā€™t think this through. :confused: I have my tent and two lamps for it.

Butā€¦ my other light, and my exhaust system is not hereā€¦ this would normally be fine, nothing but a drive. But with the luck I have they have now called for snow throughout the night. Weā€™ll chuckie darn. Guess Iā€™ll be putting up my tent and a couple lamps. Let it snowā€¦some other day!


Insert random bud shot here


Alright Iā€™m looking at some free time coming up soon. Hopefully,. we didnā€™t get snow last night. It was a send for sure. I went to get my fan and ducting, as well as the vs1500. Well I had one fan I was going to grab and itā€™s a 8 inch one. Then I thought nah, so I grabbed a 4 in one, with a new carbon scrubber.,
Now I have
5x5 tent
5x5 bungee net x2
Can filter
Vs1500 lamp
Tsw2000 x2
Bunch of hanging cords
20 pack of new 3 gal fab pots
Inkbird controller
Temp gauge/humidity
And beanage.
This is going to be fun.



So far got the tent up with a couple lamps. Bro got the vs1500 from me for now. Here she is people!

yes I have to fix the hangers on a lamp. But SUCESS also need to install can filter and fan/hose. Thinking now Iā€™m going to add the vs1500 either way. I need all the light I can get :wink:. Should work well the tent set up went well. And itā€™s a nice tent Iā€™m glad I picked one up a while ago. The lights Iā€™ve probably had for a good year or so. Iā€™ve watched them vary in price online over time. Some sales here some gouging there. Ehh ima go smoke some chronic.


The vs1500, can filter, and fan, and controller. Got left in the trunk. Itā€™s 14 degrees and snowed on every where. :neutral_face: the damn car is stuck closed :expressionless:. :cold_face: :ice_cube:

So close,. I canā€™t wait to get running here, this will be very nice. My provider will still be running the fritter and the mac1. So here I have tons of og beanage to work with, crazy excited to dig into some of these beans, I have been wondering what dankness they hold. Well weā€™re looking at finding out soon. Should be fun. Hats off to all ogers here whom will be named as I pop seeds. :clap:


And the tent is set up. Just a few more things and Iā€™ll be ready to grow.


looking good bro. canĀ“t wait to see the tent filled up, :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses: