Paws and effect 🪴🌱

Ya we had to tie a cherry back together with a winch strap after a bear wrecked half of its. It’s fully back and grafted now. These ones were taking are like 4 to 5 year old volunteers. Same with the prune trees. Small enough to pull out pot, and plant proper. Going to be taking some small Holly’s for fun too. :grin: air layering? Sorry new to planting trees… lol. Also we net the blueberries tomatoes and cherries every year. Or else no fruits.



Indeed it is! I guess indoors it is for a few years. I would love to have some to be able to do what I want with. I’m thinking about getting another place in the mountains within reason. I have a vision!


It’s pretty neat. You strip a node and affix a mass of medium around it. Eventually it grows roots into the medium and you can just cut it below that and plant it. Pretty neat way to keep within your plant count while making clones. :wink:


What’s your method for air layering to clone cannabis?
I’ve always wanted to try it, but I worry about causing stem rot or other unanticipated problems.

In general, I need to update my cloning methods. I just take a bunch of cuts and put each of them in brown beer bottles until I get roots. I probably only get %30 rooted using this method. It’s the easiest thing I could think of.

I always used this as a selection method to find the easiest plants to root. That has actually been very useful.

but now that I am keeping several selected cuts long term, I should switch to a more reliable method even if its more complicated.


That’s a good question. I’ve only tried on woody plants I have, and only a few days ago was my first few attempts. Im trying fig, plum, hazelnut, clove current, and elderberry. I saw a post about air layering I think. I’ll have to search. It’s not hard I know.
This explains it well. :metal:t3:


About ready to be upped into 3 gal. All 10 going under two 600 watt hps. 2 Mac will be taken for moms. 4 Mac and 4 fritter will be taken to 70 days.

edit* after a nice veg period.


Apricots are by far my favorite tree fruit (Mrs. mota calls me her fruit bat), and Blenheim apricots are hands down the finest eating apricot I have ever had. It is the apricot of my childhood. They have a relatively short season and don’t ship well, they’re “just” delicious! :yum:


We had Pluots apricots x plums . They were fantastic !


I was trying for a graple tree… someday :unamused: :thinking:

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Glad I ended up with a Blenheim tree :wink: @mota


Creating a food forest/orchard is a great idea these days well done bud :muscle: We keep getting rain here so my juvenile orchard is soaked right now, but not such a bad thing. Mango, lemon, Tahitian lime, mulberry, macadamia and mandarin so far. I’m potting up a finger lime today, if you can get your hands on them they’re a beautiful tasty aussie fruit to grow :sunglasses:


Thanks bud. We have been planning it for a few years. Broke soil a couple days ago. Can’t wait for the years to come and the wonderful fruits from harvest. I’m excited af.


Long time my dude!!! That mac1 does it veg super slow? How is it working for you?

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I’m not sure been to infatuated with apple fritter to do a decent run of her. Only ever flowered moms out and we’ll larf. But I’m kicking the idea of cloning some more for another round. Then I have 4 mac1 going along with 4 fritter under two 600 watt hps lamps. So I’ll let you know. I can tell you she does have a slower veg time than most. My fritter are usually bigger by the time the moms make it to the mom tent.


I think I’m too much of a purist for pluots. I’ve tried several types and none of them taste as good to me as a plain Blenheim. Of course, no blunts for me either.


Idk why people got obsessed with blunts. But as I recall, the wrap was to mask the taste of the shit weed they were rolling. Now it mainstream culture. :roll_eyes:


I believe a blunt is a mix of weed and tobacco, and for me, the absolute worst tasting weed is going to be better than any tobacco. My folks smoked and I hated it, then I smoked for several years (rollies only (Export “A”), no tailor mades), and you know what they say about former smokers!

And now I have to tell you a funny thing: In addition to tobacco, in only one situation would I ever put black pepper on food I was going to eat, and a very moderate application at that. The funny thing is that I had it last night - a Caesar salad, that is! lol (1) It was a solid :yum: !


4 fritter in the back right corner in a square. The rest are Mac 1. All got upped today.


I really liked the apple fritter when o had her she was easy to grow, nice solid nugs, easy trim. I would def grow her again but playing with other things right now.


I am starting a half and half run. 4 and 4. Then I’m going to take cuts for another run. :upside_down_face: all Mac 1 caps