Paws and effect 🪴🌱

No prob, glad they made it. Good luck!

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Thank you kindly!

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This is my view of the giant moon tonight. Looks bright af. I’m getting lit the dogs are howling! The full moon is outttt.


I’ll let ya know ASAP they TD

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Sounds good man.

Ended up not feeding them any nutes. Pffff. I’m OK with that so are they I say. Anyways I got some burn on some of the leafs that are reaching. The ibg aren’t making the fattest of nugs yet. The kingdoms plant is starting to look a bit better. The kiss plants. Holy hell, they are bulking amazingly huge for almost week 5. These are going to be some beautiful looking plants and are already stunning. Will update on week 5. Stay lit :sunglasses:

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@JonPott @Simdadon I’m getting you two packed up today been busy with life! Hope you both are well!!! Thanks so much for understanding :pray:

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No rush Gromie! A busy life is better than a boring life. Don’t forget to stop and smoke some cannabis though :wink:

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Thanks man, ima toke up on the way back through the woods home. It’s rainy out. Been caretaking all day since early this morning.

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Nice! Cannot remember the last time I did that. Need to do so when the fall colors start to set in where I live.

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Week 5 update they are doing well I’m getting some minty fresh smell when ever I open the tent. There’s a ton of fade going on and some leafs burning here and there. But all is well and starting to swell. Here they are.


Also found some neat edibles just dropped 1000mg oil capsule. Can’t wait for it to start in




Here’s a photo dump. As of this morning.


@AppalachianBiscuits I’ll get your pepper seeds packed up. All my dumb envelopes stuck together. Give me a couple days and they’ll be otw!

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Caught up after a few weeks, glad to see all is well! Love the colors!

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Thanks man, the colors are beautiful. I’m enjoying these plants. Glad to see you in here!

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No worries, I appreciate it! Next year’s garden is going to be pepper themed.

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That’s awesome man!

Some shots in the dark…