Paws and effect 🪴🌱

No problem friend enjoy them.

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4 red beard on the left 2 somatra from kannabia on the right in front and 1 clone in back. They are getting upped soon and thrown under the sun

n… @resimax thanks man, here they are :wink:!!!


somatra? Dont think thats a strain i sent :laughing:

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Thats what i have written down darnit

Mataro Blue? Kiss? I sent a few Kannabia but that’s not a strain by them.

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Mataro blue are what they are i believe. I dont know how i got that from that.:rofl:

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hahaha its all cool man. just want you to know what you’re growing

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I understand thanks man :+1:

They look good. Maybe stretching a bit. Seems like they should have been transplanted. Not telling you how to grow though. Everyone has their own way. That’s what makes this place great seeing how the plants look from different techniques

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Ya im late on upping them. Provider didnt. I will soon. They did stretch because of the height of the lamp. It was high because of a cloner sharing it with the humidome.

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You can half fill the solo cups and then add more soil when needed or now bury that naked stem while transplanting, it will shoot more roots …beer3|nullxnull


Those bottom leaves are going to die soon anyway, you can fill the dirt all the way up to at leas there. That is what I do. I just transplanted my 5x5 last weekend and had to do that. I moved them to 3 and 5 gallon pots.


Thanks man, ya they stretched. Whenever that happens I usually do plant like that. Im not too worried about it at all. :beers: , I usually just pot up once too 3 gallon fab pots. @Simdadon . Its always nice when you get some input


New fritter mom.


One of the best parts about this community, is seeing other growers having the same issues. You can watch growers on YouTube that never seem to have a bad performing plant. And have yourself ready to throw In the towel. And the. The flip side is this place is full of so much knowledge, and experience how can you lose.


Get tf out of this thread you pos. I dont need to hide behind ne one. Him or ne one. Fuck you and your shit seeds they went out the window when i opened them. Your worthless way of sending seeds sucks. So do you. Go kick rocks you kid @Kon
I never had a problem with you until you attacked people and me here.


Are the Mataro Blu from me?

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No they are from @resimax

They are kannabia beans or were

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Ok, first time I see that name here. I have that strain as well. Very nice everything.
Never heard of kannabia seeds.

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