Paying tribute to a good friend and family member

So sorry Doug. My heart hurts for you. I have three cats and they’re all my little pack. Can’t imagine that day in the future. Truely sorry brother.


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Thanks @MyLittleGrundle . It’s a sad part of pet ownership that I still have not become accustomed to. As sad as it is and as much as I have shed my tears for my friend I am doing my best to focus on all the good he brought into my life.


The bigger the presence the larger the hole they leave behind.

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The end is never easy. My heart is heavy for you @DougDawson . You can tell he lived his best life with you. He’s gorgeous! Tigger will be missed.

My cats send their love too.


My condolences. Animals are special friends. They connect with us on a level that other humans cannot.


man really sorry for your loose!!

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My condolences, our pets become family members and best friends. They fill that spot that humans simply can’t. I’m really sorry for your loss and although it doesn’t ease the pain, remembering all the good times, funny moments and joy he brought to you/your family is how he would probably want to be remembered.
He’s a real handsome looking cat. Best wishes to you Doug. :heart: :pray:

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Sad day brother!!

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As mentioned before…this sucks. Pets are great, until this. Leaves a big hole in the ol’ heart. Hang tough @DougDawson. Hope your better half and daughter are ok too.


So sorry for your loss @DougDawson pets are members of families and are so loved! For such small animals they leave such a large hole in families when they cross over that rainbow bridge. All the best to you and your family in this difficult time <3


Me too Doug. I was always a Dog-person, but “adopted” my daughter’s cat when she went to college and over time, Bugsy and I built a close and loving relationship. He died in my arms at home and is buried in the orchard.

Best wishes,


Ugh, so sorry Doug.

This is basically why I’ve never had a pet as an adult. Losing a cat or a dog is the worst.


Sorry to hear this Doug. Went through it a few years back with our cat who was also ironically named Tigger and it’s definitely losing a member of the family. Sincere condolences to you and the Mrs.


I want to give a huge thanks to all of you who stopped by to show your support. I know some don’t get it but I am grateful that some do. You all helped me keep things together yesterday and you are very much appreciated :pray:


Sorry for your loss.


Thanks man, I appreciate it.

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Sorry for your loss @DougDawson


Losing such a big part of your family is never easy… @DougDawson

Cherish the beautiful memories


@DougDawson sorry for your loss brother. Sounds like a cool cat and I’m sure he’ll be watching over your grows just from a different vantage point.

Thanks for sharing your memories and cool pics. Sending you and the fam my condolences.


Sad to read this :disappointed:, I know how you feel as I also went throught it and you know what will be my advice: buy or adopt soon another kitten cat|nullxnull, it will help you and your family to fill the hole the other has left, you will find it’s not the same but soon it will also be part of the family and have a place in your hearts … beer3|nullxnull