Paying tribute to a good friend and family member

Sorry for your loss Doug. I still miss my grey little shithead.

Their love makes me want to be a better human.


Sorry to hear the bad news @DougDawson Keep your head up and remember the good times with Tigger


So so so so sorry to hear this bro! I’m not a cat person per say. (Allergies) but they do love me to death! I have an extremely special bond with my baby girl and literally dread the day. I can only imagine her life being cut so short, essentially in half. As I know you pretty well I know that cat was loved exponentially and I’m sure had an amazing life while they were here. The unconditional love our pets give is truly something EVERYONE should experience as IMHO it changes you as a person and teaches a different kind of love/respect. I believe you will meet again one day in a much much better place, where they will be awaiting you with joy and love just as they did each time you walked in the door. Much love in your time of need bro. And you’ve got an army of support. Keep your head up.


Awe damn. So sorry @DougDawson . There’s a whole bunch of men and women leaking all over themselves with you.

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Thank you all so much. All the kind words are greatly appreciated. :pray:


My condolences for your loss @DougDawson

You too @imstinky

I know how i’d be affected if my furry buddy left my life.


Ach Doug, I’m sorry for you and your family. Whether an animal or person the loss is a whole slab of heartache. I send best vibes to you.


:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:'s and a :basket:ful more!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He lived a good long life.Go easy little buddy


Oh man, I’m sorry losing a pet is very tough. RIP little bro.


Thanks everyone. Was a very long night. My wife was very upset and my daughter was just gutted. I did my best to help them through their grief while I had the help of OG. I am grateful. Reading all your comments was a great help. Once they went to bed I sat up till 2:30am smoking weed and picturing my little buddy in all his favorite spots. The worst had to be opening my tents before sleep to feed my plants. When those zippers opened, Tigger would always come running. It’s going to take a while to get used to his absence. Thanks to all you wonderful OGers for being there. :pray:


I too am so sorry to hear of your loss, @DougDawson. Seven years isn’t long enough. There’s so much more love in our hearts to be given to our four legged family members, and there is nothing like the love they give us.

I love that picture of him tummy up on the couch! He was so clearly a part of the family.


Condolences Doug!

My wife and lost our cat of 14 years a few weeks ago in a similar way. Its so hard and my heart goes out to you.


Time. Time is what you need to heal. Best thing to do is be with your fam and remember the good times.

@Yetigrows thank you!


Damn, Doug. I am really sorry to hear this… 7 is so young too… :broken_heart:


I never know what to say when I respond to these type of things…
I do know animals can become like children.
We have several kids/cats running round the carpet right now.
To lose one is like losing a part of yourself.

@DougDawson "Sorry to hear you had such a tough day."
Days like that can be long and rough.
But you must love deeply to feel this much sorrow.
I try to focus on the good the critter brought to the family.
That does not kill the pain, but the good can try to outweigh the pain.

Hope you have a better day today.
My sincere condolences.


There’s a father john misty song where he says he wouldn’t change anything about his lover because it’s the parts he’d miss the most.

And that poem about “waiting with baited breath”…

And leonard cohen saying that the cracks are how the light gets in…

And that scene in good will hunting where Robin Williams talks about his wife farting in her sleep…

Keep those memories, they make you rich as a king :prince:


Sorry to hear that @DougDawson .
Pets become a part of the family and is hard when they part.

I still get watery eyes when I look at the photos of my adopted daughter.

The best consolation you can have is knowing that you have given him the best and that he lived like a king.

My condolences.



So sorry for your loss @DougDawson
May you and the family find a little piece in your life atm…


Big Love to you and the whole family @DougDawson .

:heart: :cat2: :heart: