Peat + Perlite transplant for Coconut

what’s up guys

Next I am growing on the mineral, using peat + perlite. But I’m having trouble getting here in my region, or it’s out of stock or prices have gone up a lot. As an alternative I will start using Coco.

My doubt is: I have some plants in the veg using peat + perlite, would it be a problem if I transfer them to larger pots using coconut?


Check out this link


I use a combination of peat/coco/perlite about 1/3 of each in my pots. Just make sure and buffer your coco coir. I just buy loose premium buffered coco coir. I use cal mag every time I feed I just use less maybe 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. Really depends on your growing style. I up my cal mag in bloom to like 1 teaspoon per gallon. You just got to feel your sh*t out. It always depends on how much coco coir your using. Peace. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Peat/perlite/coco is a great combination.


Did the thread get edited? I don’t see this or the edit.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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hey bro

I couldn’t find the info, maybe it was edited or something, but thanks for help.

Thanks for the tip, I’m thinking of using this combination, Coco + peat + perlite, but maybe for the next flowering, I managed to find peat + perlite for a good price and I’ll keep using it for now.

Could you tell me if REMO’s MAgnifical, serves to make the Coco buffer? It’s just that he has a little bit of N in the composition, and I don’t know if that could be a problem.

Thanks for the tip man.

Buffering coco coir is a misconception. If your nutrients are mixed right, and your feed regimen is right you will not have any problems with it.
Sometimes I rinse it sometimes I don’t and I get the same results every time. I never used calmag to say the least. It’s all about your feed ratios.


i use coco with perlie 70/30 gia green 4/4/4 all purpose and 2/8/4 gia green for flower/bloom 3 tbs per gallon to start and some worm poop mixed in along with micro when thansokanting top greess withe the 444 at about week 6 of veg and then at final transplant top dress withe the2/8/4 tand some more worm poop then top dress one more timeabout 4 weeks into bloom after i switch to 12/12 then filtered water at about 6.4 ph the whole time seems to work for me but everyone is different

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