"People's Garden": Good or Bad?

@DougDawson mentioned that we might want to get this out of the Memes thread so I figured I would start one.

What does every one thing, Good Idea, or Gov’t Control???


I read some info about it and it seems like an interesting idea actually. Would not be to concerned about government control personally.

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What is People Garden?


Here is a link to the announcement


Humn… Cooperative… I’ve heard that name before.


I mean as long as we’re able to still trade heirloom seed within the country I don’t see the issue
(Unlike Australia)

This just seems to be a public program for community gardens and what not

How is that bad


I agree, sounds like a cool program actually.


@Randar I assume you were asking about the CA thing. I don’t know of any article, just rumors being thrown about. Though, living here as long as I have, and seeing how things are, I wouldn’t doubt they are true.

When they start harvesting (get it) data I get a little concerned.

I wouldn’t sign up for a nifty sign.

And the word “required” while not applying to us…


Many vacant lots in my hood. Been considering this for over a year now. Saw a video with a guy that does this on public and private land. He said if the city owns the space to start the garden first and ask questions later. :thinking:


What is the CA thing?

It just seems like everything “promoted” by the Gov’t (especially here in the US) has been bastardized for the last few decades, regardless of who is in power(?)

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I mentioned in the other thread about a rumor going around that they wanted to restrict private gardens in CA for “drought restrictions”. I was just trying to answer it out of the meme thread.

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Dude that’s a people problem not a govt problem

the last few decades, politicians have been more in the spot light as far as mistakes they’ve made while on the job.

I think bastardization is a human problem not inherently a government one
It seems you already figured this out by the whole “regardless of who’s in power”

my biggest advice is buy as many seeds as you can from bakers creek seeds and just get on with your life ya know.


I agree, I get suspicious too. It would be way easier to ‘find’ all those evil water wasters eg in California :thinking:


Personally, I would like the government to stay totally outta of my growing space!

Also, why they gotta tell me where I can grow my veggies?
They can/will toss me in jail for growing veggies in the wrong space.

Next they will want 24/7 cameras on our veggies too.

He has a good point, we already have these, do we need govt. sponsorship to be succesful.

I think not.

In the last week I ate 1 dozen duck eggs from a non USDA source.
While true or not, I could go to jail just for saying that.

Will folks from the new Govt farm be snitching me out to get some incentives?
Snitchin in todays society has become the in thing, everyone is doing it now. :thinking:


I’m telling!

But I agree my tomatoes are nobody’s business. Just try to make me pay a tax on them.


Why do you think this is true?

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People snitching on people. Who do they tell?

Fiyah buhn

Good old tomatoes, and homemade wine! :shushing_face:
Oh, you are really talking about tomatoes aren’t you…LOL

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