"People's Garden": Good or Bad?

Is this not a voluntary program… lol

It’s probably a way to give resources to gardens without an excess of resources

In most cities, They would probably prefer they stay rat infested dumps and either fine you or throw you in jail for the effort. There was a story out here in CA (don’t remember where I read it) with a guy who, on his own property, had about a hundred tiny houses brought in/built for the homeless and the city went after him, full force, and made him shut it down, before he could even open it up, and haul them all away. It is now a cespool of a tent city instead of a thriving, controlled small community.

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Agreed, but especially in this state. they seem to vote against their own self interest and there just aren’t enough people to overcome them.

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Cause they take you to jail in my state for non-usda products on the regular.

Raw milk and other non-usda products are illegal to sell in Michigan.
While this latest incident is coming in for attention, the state routinely conducts seizures.
Routine inspections led to 773 seizures of illegal food products.

Why though? Even on private property. I wonder what fucked up law preventing people from getting benefits in more ways than just helping these people? Do you have a link? I’d like to read about it

this just seems like a
“Merrr government bad” Thread

guns are great, and ensure the government stays afraid of its citizens and can’t become entirely tyrannical

but socialist programs (jobs, food, etc etc) have a history of helping America…

anyone who thinks black and white in politics is just eating a fat pile of propaganda and they don’t know it.


Murica forced me to think in Black and whyte.

I would assume because out of code tiny buildings on land not zoned for it is frowned upon.

Why yes it is.
I am just voluntarily speaking out against the idea. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Some clearly think they need the govt. more involved in their life.
I personally am of the opposite mind set.

I am not trying to suggest what you or anyone else should do in this case.
I am just volunteering important facts to consider when giving the govt more power/reach.

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That makes sense… I mean 50 tiny houses are no little garden sheds. I’d really like to know more about that case. Does somebody know where I can look into it?

This reasoning is bad. A little research is an amazing thing.


Yes, “so any eggs purchased through a licensed egg farm or processor in Michigan will have a grade.” But this doesn’t apply to farmers markets, etc. So no, you can’t go to jail for eating non-USDA duck eggs in MI (unless you stole them from a duck’s nest).

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There have been a bunch of them. Here is one in Canada and one in USA.

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Ok, maybe you got me on a technicality there…LOL :grin:
What about chicken eggs and milk?

Immediately thought of the people’s elbow. Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?

I wonder what would happen if I posted free non usda produce to anyone who wants it.
Raw milk, fresh eggs and non inspected produce and took all the proper precautions to keep the food super fresh.

You know like elon musks little bro.
Money does not matter.
Would the Govt step in if no one got sick ever?

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The government isn’t after your small, personal garden. I stand by my reasoning from the other thread:

To top it off, as someone else pointed out, this is a totally voluntary program. You don’t want to do it, don’t do it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine to have a healthy distrust of the government, but there are bigger issues to worry about.


Yes, but not for the reasons provided. You’re conflating multiple different issues.

  1. It’s not the USDA that’s regulating here, it’s the state.

  2. Selling vs. providing for free has no bearing on the issue.

This is purely a public health issue.


no where does it say cooperative ???/ collaborative effort sure.

and also no skin in this game being canadian, just reads as essentially a way to teach show learn and grow regional and bring exposure which is a good thing.

But you guys/gals are off on some tangents to put it politely lol.

