People having Seizures smoking Gray market Dispo Weed

A little known secret about dispo buds, the growers ARE actually allowed to use certain pesticides… and many do.


Honestly can’t wait for the labs to perfect THC synthesis in yeast and scale it up. The practice of growing herb by any means necessary for a single cannabinoid will no longer be a viable approach with labs pumping out clean THC much faster and cheaper than growing the plant could.

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Who’s growing Herb for a single cannabinoid ? How long was I out?


I totally agree. But the rumors are theyre figuring out the yeast synthesis with “signature cannabinoid blends” so itll be the same ratios as your favorite corporate mids lol.


I assumed all the poison boof vape cart suppliers are growing for that one THC % number :face_vomiting:

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They should be just as concerned with the Cannabiniods cool trick of lessening and or preventing siezures.

I’m all for them growing any cannabinoids possible in yeast. The more the merrier. I’ll probably always prefer well-grown plants because of how badly pure THC treats me, but I see no harm in a clean yeast-based producer putting shady farmers out of business.

Just my thought but here in Cali a lot of the shops lately have been getting products pulled from shelves due to pesticide contamination. These legal farms are mostly run by investors not real growers. They will do whatever they can to save the crop and keep their investors happy. Even though testing is happening it’s not 100% working as stuff is still getting to the market.

More reason to grow your own. I’m always handing beans out locally to whoever could use them. I would rather have people growing their own medicine than smoking corp weed.


We all know how good the corporate tomatoes are. Now let’s make a product that’s quite a bit more complicated. Sure we can , for the right $$$🙄


@grow The problem is THC is not the ‘be all-end all’ that you have been told. If you look back at some classic strains they were only 8 to 14% THC. It is the terps and rest of the stuff that is giving you the effect you like.

Growing is going to keep it clean as long as you are not using cyanide or something bro science for the latest and greatest.


It’s not for me, and I never said it was, but plenty of people enjoy the pure THC high as evidenced by the enormous market driven by straight THC numbers. I’d rather see a shady industry put to rest by yeast-grown THC than pretend like everyone’s going to suddenly start caring as much about full spectrum cannabinoid profiles like the niche, enthusiast group of growers that exist here on Overgrow.

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They will care when volcano bars become a thing

Concentrated pesticides. They use new pesticides to skirt testing too

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I had childhood epilepsy, mostly controlled now with lifestyle methods, I still have aural migraines but they’re predictable so I’m allowed to drive. My point is that I know a LOT of people in the same position as me, but they have regressed back to having the full on grand mal tonic clonic seizures again ever since covid. And they all have the same thing in common that they took the you know what.


That boy looks like he’s helped his own sister pump up a tire or two.

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pretty good movie actually. well, decent anyway.

No doubt, sickens me.