People having Seizures smoking Gray market Dispo Weed

I’m so glad I know how make all that stuff from my own flowers, from mine own gardens, for our own wants and needs. I rebuke those foul demon’s!!!


just volcanoed some gray market weed. didn’t have a seizure.
i did get high though.

Many different names many different times.


Awesome the site mite is back!!
Spewing stupid as best it can.


What that is crazy you cant trust anything including the food. We are getting real close to if you can’t catch kill or grow it yourself you don’t use it. It’s all about money to these companies, And as long as they don’t kill too many at one time they sweep it all under the rug.


We’ve been that way for years. We now know our trustworthy food pyramid will kill us. The best way to not be killed by what you eat is to fix everything from scratch.


He’s probably a legal grower who isn’t doing so well.

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Did someone say the B word or is this a different troll we have among us?


You’re probably spot on, he is mad because the home growers are producing better stuff than him and he is not getting to sell his over priced crap to good people in need of help. But I guess he would say go to the dr, and have them give you a script for some meds that are 100% poisonous with 20 side effects that will cause you to take even more poison in. I watched my mother die from cancer, and when she died she was taking over 10 different medications, and each one had at least 5 different side effects.


More boron advice.


Forgot about the boron… back to the topic and relevent data lol

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But brother don’t you know…

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I want to agree with you on this one the problem is going to be when people take thier weed to get tested and and the sample comes up clean because theres so many research chemical analogues that some of them are newer and wont come up on a test because thier not looking for it yet.The damage will be done already


No im actually talking about Synthetically derived Not talking about natural occurring cannibinoids in the plant ,Not at all completely different direction .Im talking about Hemp derived Deltas in general guess i should have been more clear im well aware of where 8 and 9 come from.I haven’t seen these issues since they started selling tubs of the stuff and all those Snowballs and they started spraying things they started selling especially with all the Terp sprayed shit not dissing Terps but where are they coming from?How were they derived?You will never know and ive seen what damage tainted weed does Tony from Boneyard Seeds got a terminal illness from just handling sprayed cuts in plastic bags from an illegal Pesticide guy has one leg and a colostomy bag .im sorry in a commercial setting things start to go crazy .what im talikng anout has nothing to do with natural occuring cannibinoids in the plant.I know for a fact all that tub stuff is all hemp
Derived no way would the price be the same as regular cannabis and wouldn’t even make sense.Something about that stuff is off i dont care how similar they are to the natural stuff either that or people are spraying synthetic cannibinoids which i think is the most logical answer what is going on.


Woah the B Dude showed up???Ive been out of town a couple days and i must have missed it??Must have had Diarrhea of the mouth again and had yet another melty.Watch we have been dosing our plants with Too much Boron and now we have angered the Gods and they have decided to visit us with retribution and punish us and Boron Dude was
The ringleader

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That crowd is going to go for high numbers because they are very new to the scene compared to the overall here.When i was young we had mexican brick weed ,Commercial seeded shit weed and then later on Kind bud seedless that you git every now and then.Kids now adays due to the access to heavy concentrates THC pens ,Wax ,Bubble hash,Rosin ect are only going to go for high numbers .Those are mostly concentrated THC in a consumable material they started on that shit us older folks kind of worked our way up there but all that high THC consumable is missing minor cannibinoids that our weed had was 17% maybe 20 on a good day that would cripple your ass you ask all the old heads here there is still stuff out there like that you just have to make a connection with the right people.I done even like that feeling on straight thc highs rides over by the time you get on.Inlike to be high for a couple hours that 45 min shit is for the birds but sometimes you got to go pick up the wife or the kids and you need to be straight and its nice for when you just need a litteral quick buzz.

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Kids are broke and don’t want to lose thier money so they “help " themselves by checking thc numbers. It’s strait ignorance driving the high number game. No normal Cannabis grower would walk in and say " which is your highest number?”


The kids i know stay at home for free and make Good money more than i ever could Parents got them cars too i had to pay rent and car and car insurance at that age no matter how hard i tried not hating good on them balls innghier court .im not talking about what things cost back then im talking good money.Little homies dad busted him with a ounce of Yellow wax crumble my dad busted me with a half of Juan and Pablos seeded conex weed smuggled in gas tanks :rofl:


I’m not always right , but when I am. Well I’m not usually right. :laughing:


It goes both ways there is no real wrong answer.I used to be that poor kid i know how it goes.

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