People having Seizures smoking Gray market Dispo Weed

You have to kick up some sediment to find artifacts. No worries

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I used to get awful migraines. First auras then a slight spin into full blown spinning. Had to time it so I could make it home since I damn sure couldn’t drive.

Then one day in pain and spinning I rolled a doob. No more migraine pain, spinning or anything.

If I were to get one right now it wouldn’t bother me at all. I know what medicine to take.


Just wanted to mention,
I first saw this concept of gmo yeast to synthesize specific medicinal compunds in Isaac Asimov’s Caves of Steel from 1953.
All of their food and medicinal compounds are cultivated as high yielding genetically modified yeast.

They basically talk about the corporate yeast crops as being ‘mids’ that are just good enough to be acceptable to the masses, but the protagonist remembers his uncle who worked at the yeast plant secretly growing his own low yielding yeast culture that tasted like real strawberries.