Phenos you can't stand the smell of

When I first got back into growing I was on another forum and while I was new one of the members sent me some seeds and he trew in some bud to sample. Unfortunately he put dryer sheets in the box and that smell permeated all of the smoke. I couldn’t discern what any of the strains were, all I got was dryer sheets. Man, that weed made want to puke, too.

I remember a Sour Tangie that I bought at the dispo when I first moved here. I don’t know what it was but I couldn’t smoke it. It was sour and it did have a small tangerine edge to it, but un-smokeable to me.


I remember a a buddy giving me some “Bruce banner” that he got a dispensary. There was no way that garbage tasting, chemical type high was Bruce banner. I tossed the little bit that he gave me. And he said the gave away the rest of what he had. I imagine they fool a lot of people with that stuff. My head hurt until I went to bed.
I said I should have know better, because every time I walked into the room where I had it, I kept saying what was that smell.


The GG#4 auto I just finished had smells of straight up, fresh dog shit. It was seeded so didn’t smoke it other than some kief but it will be interesting if the progeny have the same, it’s a little challenging to say the least.

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Does anyone else with a bunch of cats notice a strong smell of Chinese food when you’ve got stuff drying or in late flower?

Weird lemony smell of some jack herer phenos plus a lot of other strains.

Smell of a strain called “nuken” that goes around Canada. Hard to describe but it’s berry/tropical/piney. I used to love it but after having that strain a billion times over the years I am so sick of it at this point.

Anything that smells like actual lavender.