Philadelphia Ice Cream Cake 98 seeds are on d way!

Crossing a tetraploid with a diploid plant will result in triploid plants, which are infertile and seedless.

No, he had a male and female, so P1xP2 to get his PICC…then that progeny he combined so it would be f2. Ya gots to read


. a cross of 2 separate cultivars, that made an (F1) variety, which he said the offspring intersexed which would be an (S1), maybe the confusion is in the wording of “Intersexed”…

As I explained in the next post down…again, ya gots to read


What do u mean by selfed?..I bred a male & female Ice Cream Cake which came about from me xing WeddingCake and Gelato 98, that’s what you’re seeing. I had of of them go hermie on me so I chucked it. If anything these seeds might be fully auto due to the male & female flowering early unprovoked…so idk how they could possibly be feminized.

It smells like Snoop Dogg was having a smoke session in the back of a bakery…:rofl:

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No worries about selfing! You pollinated with male pollen, unless it’s already present in (P’ “strains” that were (x), yet u did mention a monoecious plant, so you should check for such on progeny & test progeny in seed form in a batch of 24 atleast.

…but wouldn’t that make it a hermaphrodite more or less? I mean it sounds like your describing a hermaphroditic plant…aside from being completely off with what’s going on in this run.

He had Wedding Cake(regular) x Gelato (regular) that’s f1 aka Ice Cream Cake. He took a male from that generation and a female from that generation ICC x ICC to make the current seeds. He is on f2. There’s no selfing and no BX here. You are very much confusing the topic at hand for someone attempting to learn by inserting your opinion over and over again. :peace_symbol:


THANK YOU SIR…I felt like i was about to talk in circles with that person.


Not sure on confusion by my end, besides the wording that I read., But back to the point being -That depends on if they are the true “P” versions of those specific cultivars to make up I.C.C… What opinion am I inserting besides “fact”. Progeny must be tested due to potential contamination of a monoecious plant & maybe even “sacs” and “nanners”. :sunglasses::100:

What would that be?

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Um naw… I crossed the Gelato 98 with WC to get PICC98 and intersexed-that to get here,

Well if u followed closely u would see that I was corrected on that phrasing already…therefore no intersexing took place.


(Larry Bird Cut)Gelato #33 × WC (pink cookies) will give you true I.C.C., follow closely as well my virtual friend…

Bro…🤦🏿, It’s not Larry bird though…its a variant, it’s Gelato #98 not #33 that I crossed with WC…plus I stated what strains were crossed to make Gelato #98 sir…and I did research to see if G98 & WC were ever crossed b4 and they weren’t so I crossed them and made Philadelphia Ice Cream Cake #98 sir…bred a male & female from that to get where I’m at right now.


He had Wedding Cake(regular) x Gelato (regular) that’s f1 aka Ice Cream Cake. He took a male from that generation and a female from that generation ICC x ICC

That’s awesome! Always fun making new cultivars!, proud of you! , so did you make gelato#98 as well?

Bro he’s speaking in short term so2speak if u read from the beginning u’ll know that it’s not the original ICC strain…you’re making this a little exhausting and idk why man…lol


No. From what I was told the strain was purchased from a seed bank somewhere on the west coast probably Cali…but the person who paid for the seeds has a farm and is close friends with a relative of mine who was able to get some seeds and they shared them with me…and now I’m here making my own strain.