
Materials I use for my SWC/TRON grows…these materials are well over 10yrs. old except the white square foam and I will be using a new air stone…My old Wally world aquarium pump is still working so I’m gonna use that too.

These are the big Phototrons and it’s about 51" tall…the small P-trons are about 39" tall.

As I said I will be using an old dish pan, net cup, air hose and this old pink foam insulation as the top for my dish pan.

The white foam will be used to hold the clone in place…I don’t use lava rocks anymore or those round clay things in my net cups…nothing but net folks.

These are my homemade strains that I will be using for my outdoor and SWC/TRON grows this year…I will be growing my Matanuska Thunder Head strain for this SWC/TRON grow.