🖼 Picture of the year contest, Free entry, hundreds of seeds for winners

Current list:

er x ppp 50
9#hammer x ppp 50
Dealer pack of Acapulco gold

1 - (10) reg photo Panama Garlic Haze F1 from @monkeyman (just assuming they are F1)
1 - (10) reg photo Oregon Huckleberry F2 from @Mongobongo
1 - (10) reg photo Deadband F2 from @Smokerheat
2 - (10) fem cbd Sebrings Revenge F4 from @Sebring
1 - (10) reg photo G13 Deepchunk F2 but no idea who gave them to me, was from OG
1 - (10) reg photo Aghani from Crop King Seeds (from before they started having issues)
1 - (10) reg photo Bruce Banner from Crop King Seeds (more resent)
1 - (10) Mosca Cherry White from @Mithridate
1 - (10) I’m not sure yet but I can certainly find 10 of something


GG#4 x Gorilla Bubble (15 seeds)
Tomahawk x Gorilla Bubble (15 seeds)
GG#4 x Dreamcatcher (15 seeds)
C99, Peakseeds BC version (15 seeds)
GG#4 x C99 (15 seeds)

G13xRomulan 10 seeds
Alien OG 10 seeds
Hindi good medicine 10 seeds
Super fruit 10 seeds

Topical Wave
1 pack of Zacatecas Tribute f2 from Green Mountain Sseds
1 pack of Chocolatina f2 from Exotic Genetix.

JohnnyPotseed Paralyzed Monster - Frankenstein girl x PPP

Doug Dawson 10 random packs of 10 seeds

Bobgrows 40 bubba kush seeds


Most of my recent “art” has been underwater. I started creating spherical videos of some of my dives. This pic is an equirectangular version of one such video I made just over a year ago. I am on the right in the pic, and front and center of the pic is my friend, Bleddyn. Bleddyn passed away one year ago this coming friday, stupid “drink driving” on a scooter, on pothole filled and poorly lit roads in Cozumel was not the best idea. I sure do miss him, great instructor, patient with students, and an awesome dive buddy… Sad loss for all who knew him…

So. my entry is this pic… One of the last pics taken of Bledd…


Here my entry… Photos I’ve taken…

This one was taken with my cell phone while out on a nature walk, I seen the little flower from the corner of my eye, I quickly bent over took a few quick snaps & kept on trucking… Didn’t even see the Bee until after I reviewed photos at home…

This one is a photo I took while walking to work one morning in the rain… Came out pretty good for a 2 second click of my cellphone camera…

Thank you too everyone involved in this awesome adventure :grinning:


hope this entry is ok…




ha, not me man, i dont have those parts. ex GF


:thinking: is that a trichome I see in the bottom left?

I see weed in everything :joy:


He must’ve been doing the dry ice hash thing :wink:


I love the daisy!!!

…and the title is: "She loves me…"

Frame it, it’s a family heirloom



Kill me with a miracle.

Smitten the smiting with their own words written, so why not kill me with lightning? Snapping my neck with flash of life’s light, sparkling spirits of static shock. Hair of the hackles sing for a jackals laughter.

A moment in memory of atmospheric condition, showing glowing of life lost… Shoulders push up… Hands tighten… Eyes crush closed ssssssssssssSNAP! Lasting long enough for me to see pink to radiant light all around me. Ground becomes rivers of light, floating thoughts of darkness sailing for banished.

Shocking sensations from free falling laughter, here it comes… Life ever after! Tumbling through air over handles useless for holding. Flight of helpless flailing compass direction, PAIN! HEAT, touched skin nerves delivers impulse of need for firing.

White agony of electrical nodes ring bells continuous tone, no light, black torture for eyes with unknown lack of response. Someone is touching me… Scream! Fear… Someone else is touching me! SCREAM! Stop touching me! STOP! Wait! I can’t feel anything now… I…

Where am I? What’s wrong with my eyes? What is that sound? Hum to the sound…hmmmm…. connection is made. Electrical tricks on nerves of the system, realizing being hit by lightning, again. My eyes are pressing hard on the sockets, pain returns with signs of life.

Sweets horrible throbbing head, aching past medications fixing ability, splitting seconds of moment, for time realized. Blindness take shape in the fallen location, I’m facing the sky… I can taste the salt of irons blood in my mouth.

Tears of rain splash on my chest, I feel my feet and bike twisted in between. Something is pulling me in a motion to move, pain throws me up swinging at air. Grabbing my head from the distorted sensation of magnetic rotation polarizing ones global location, dizziness bends me to slump… I’m falling, why won’t my eyes open up?

No sound, nothing but endless black depths. No stars, where is the light? Is this a room? Stumbling, bumbling stretch, feeling for switch’s on illusion, off a floor to hold walls. Is this it? I’m dead? I can’t see anything, I hear nothing or no one is saying anything…

I am darkness? Then becomes light, I can see nothing… all white. Now I have become something from nothing. Thinking thought more perplexing by the second, speeding life pictures of clocks captured moments… Bubbles popping, splashing thoughts like vaporous mist.

Flowers and trees gather over minds eye, a father smiles from the field, to a mother, in a door of home. Clouds roll in from the west, promising rain for another crop. A child like me, how I once was, runs by to my right. Turning to see, I am taking flight. The sun guides my direction in stars perfection.

Gathering winds from imaginary location, floats my rising sensation. Birds speak in whistles from whispering trees… thanking them in return for my new found abilities. Cows gather with pigs to think flying thoughts about chickens. Away from the farm for freedom to find, everything else was always alive.

Sound penetrates from hidden source, tears falling against tin in the wind of sandstorms. Wet flooded mud is filling my ears, washing down sink in the bathtub of fear. A reflection that holds private thoughts, the bathroom mirror is the one, I hope never talks.

Staggered breathing with heart pounding, makes me aware with pain of knowing life’s essence. I am face down with water all around, pulling my head up, revolting muscles scream down my spine. Eyes flash open, to pain, closing, blinking moments of fractured light.

Storm of rage for life built, grunted from deep within, YES! I am alive! I live to breath again! The miracle of chance lets me win, my thinking takes epiphanies turn, pulling myself out of my own wreck.

Wiping the mud from water and sand, clearing my eyes with shirts handiness. I behold the life given for me, split down her center, smoking with embers. Sizzling harsh whispers at clouds attempting to do, what rain does for you.

I hang thought like an ape, disturbed by the fate, as emotion runs down my face. Lighting strikes twice and three times again, and again, off in futures distance. I can not move as I see what died, while I stand living inside. I stood next to worlds ultimate fear, not knowing I was even here.

A woman approaches from the left, screaming words that I can only see require attention. Coming closer to change my prospective, she’s middle aged person with deep eyes of wisdoms, caught in curious thought. She wants me to go with her from the motions of body language.

I walk with lead laden feet, stumbling to a home with family standing, eyes wide open with fear. A group of a troop gathers for unknown response of surprised minds, seeing clear. Three look at me with great dismay, their eyes say what I feel… Another great day to be alive!

I suddenly realize only humming in my ears, and I say… I think it hit me too, every ones laughs like the greatest joke ever told had just unfolded. I ask, what’s so funny? I start to smile from not hearing my voice, feeling the vibration of yelling in my chest. They respond with only more humming, lips are moving to say something of their great pleasure.

Reading the message, of my puzzled look.

One takes a paper and pencil, to write for me, in a minute… to be handed this note. You hit a curb when the lightning struck the tree. Fell off your bike and hit your head on a garbage can. Now get your butt home! Or I’ll call your mom!

Have a great day OG’s :sunglasses: be good to yourself.


Does this count for an entry?


Welcome to OG @MisterKister , sure it counts of that’s what you want to enter


:star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

Yes please.


looks nice @MisterKister and don’t forget to introduce yourself to the OG community if you haven’t yet!


Thank you!


That was a nice piece. Really enjoyed that, thanks. You paint a good picture.


Me and me Mrs. Christmas card pic
"Only person in the World who tolerates me…37 years this 4th of July, Independence Day…
This is her first draft…I can’t get no respect.
45 years of growin and smokin, runnin thru the swamps from LEO in FLA
I miss civility or a punch in the mouth, I live in a time warp of my own making, I’m liberal, hate fascists and people who bully others. Have no Illness, knock wood, my wife lived thru some rough ones, we are great now. The whole time only weed got her thru her days. Fuck everybody who stands in its way. Overgrow The World is something i said a million times after OG1 went down. Did a search for Overgrow spray for my buddy (Joe) and found out it was back! The rest will be our collective history. Karma is my only belief. Much Great Karma resides here under this name. Thank You @LemonadeJoe, you and others here are my heroes.


From the day I asked Mrs. Helios for her hand in married, have a great Friday!


None of the pictures I’ve posted will be in the contest. I am surprised there hasn’t been more of these…