Pine Log Summer Sour Lifesaver Seed Run

Thanks @ChinookKing . males are coming down Sunday. They will be about 30 days mature and are having a blast with theirselves. The place is dusted.
I’ll get some pics ip in s day or so.
Stay cool, its a blast furnace outside here.


Heres my lil seed makers

Ain’t they cute? I wish I could have gotten more veg time but thats all they got.
Cutting the boys down tomarrow and collecting what pollen I can so y’all wont be seeing them again but I’ll tell you what, these 5 boys all took care of bussiness
A couple of shotsof the girls

I guess with 30 days left its about all done, collect the boys and let the seed develop the duration of the flower period.
I’ll update as things happen.
Good day all y’all,:cowboy_hat_face:


Looking great man.

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Took some pics this morning. Looks like the seed are gonna be large.

Got my khem bubble working too. She went in two weeks before the SLS so she’s fully loaded. Should be a good cross.
Please send some good thoughts or prayers for Johnnypotseed. Old guys in surgery right now and he’s on my mind.
Heel well sir,


Hey OG’s, not really anything close to shock and awe over here. Plants are doing fine. Two weeks left for est. peak maturity which I consider full term regaurdless of seeded or not.
But I’m posting pics any way because I know y’all like pics no matter what.
Feel free to chime in if y’all want or we’ll see ya’s in two weeks for the chop.

Have a great rest of the day and all y’all be well.


BOG genetics being reproduced always makes me smile :smiley: I only tried some Amnesia x bogglegum f2 someone else made but I’m intrigued ever since. Seeing the community value his work and making sure it’s not lost is a beautiful way to get remembered :sparkles:

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Don’t know how I missed this!! Looking great

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Thanks for looking in you two.everyone else that has been following along.
BOG did some outstanding work in a time when only outlaws did their thing. I have said this alot of times but his genetic will always live in my garden.
I want to help them be in yours too.
All the best.


Iv haven’t grown any Bog genetics yet, but im excited to get some going soon. Your doing great work spreading them.


Hang on @Gho13 . you will get a chance soon.

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Plants are down , this OP is over and done Thanks to everyone that looked

in on this lil summer seed run
Now its back to normal grow things and bussiness as usual.

y’all be good,


Congratulations on your seed run, good way to spend the summer. There should be a lot of seeds to harvest.

What will your next run be?


Yessir, plenty of seed, i got four varieties out of this run.
For now i’m going to run my Strawberry Road Kill and a Cookie Road Kill from the stable with some old Classic seeds crosses.
There’s a few more things in the lineup like Super Massive Blackhole and Cyber Crystal to bust out around November.
These were gifts and deserve a run or two.
I guess its time for a new thread for Trick r Treats.
Have a good day,