Pine Tar Bastard’s Outside Grownanza

Some nice plants and colas :slightly_smiling_face: where’s the Blockhead? :eyes:


I was hoping you’d ask. :blush:


:star_struck: thanks bro :pray: That’s a nice Blockhead right there!! Hope she finishes up soon for you :grinning:


Here’s an update:
First up is the Pine Tar Kush cutting.
I chopped half the plant the first week of October. I plan on taking the rest later this week. I prefer the earlier flowers for my evening smoke, but will use these buds for my sleep medicine.


Here’s the Blockhead (freak sativa pheno):
I chopped the twin peaks mid month, and will take the rest sometime in early November. She’s beginning to show a little bit of purple and two of the buds are showing caterpillar damage.


I cloned the Blockhead and dusted her with Romulan pollen. Here she is(the one on the right)finishing up in my garage. The clone on the left is a PTK, also dusted with Romulan.

I won’t have enough seeds to share/trade, but if someone wants to do a run to make F2s for the community, please send me a PM. Seeds should be ready at the end of November.


I’m definitely looking forward to trying this one later on. Good remarks concerning actual flavor. @PineTarBastard like your project. Perhaps we should collaborate once I have a few of strains crossed up w Krippy, as PTK is part of the make up I want. Good looking plants and buds :+1:


Here’s one of the Pine Tar Bastards. She self decapitated herself in a windstorm in early October, and I’ve been slowly harvesting her since. I’ve already filled two quart size jars.

I harvested 1 1/2 lower branches this morning.

She had at least 25-30 branches. I can’t believe how much bud she produces. I bet i get at least 4-5 quart size jars. The PTB is not as piney as the PTK, but still very piney and just as potent as the PTK.

I backcrossed the PTB to my PTK cut, and I hope to grow out the 2nd generation outdoors next summer. Here’s some F1s of the backcross on the way to making F2s.


Thank you.

Tom Hill recommends harvesting PTK around October 10th. I did some staggered harvesting last year and found i prefer them a little earlier than that for afternoon/early evening. But i also found the later buds were good for sleep, so this year I left a few buds on the PTK to go an extra 4-5 weeks for sleep meds.


Lookin badass PTB. I got a few seeds out of the pollen you sent me on the G13 and the Silver Haze. Should be some fun plants to grow when the seeds are ready to go. Nice looking plants your lucky you can grow outdoors with nobody bothering your stuff. Enjoy the harvest.


Can’t wait to see how your projects turn out.

I suck at growing indoors. I grow indoors for seeds, but usually trash the buds. I found growing outdoors to be much easier. Aside from bug control, I found the plants grow themselves and supply me with more than enough buds for my needs(and the needs of my neighbors :grinning:). And I live in a med/rec legal state and have great neighbors, so i am doubly lucky.


Any progress with the PTK X Subterfuge double outcross? Would be a great line once the pine is locked into the mutant


Thank you for thinking of my project. I took pollen from the F2 first generation and pollinated my PTK mom, for a 1st back cross. I’ve been growing out the F1s. I had eight females and two amazing males. I narrowed the girls to the best five and pollenated them with the two males eight weeks ago. Everything about them screams PTK, although the pine smell is a bit diminished compared to PTK.

I am a shitty indoor grower, as i use small containers and weak lights, so please don’t judge too harshly. My indoor PTK looks just like that too. :rofl:

I took a selection (30 total) of ripe F2 seeds and soaked them a couple of days ago. They’re now in dirt.

I’ll start another 20-30 seeds in a couple of weeks, and should theoretically have 15 or so bastard leaf plants to select from. The genetic makeup of this second generation bx will be 75% PTK, 25% Russian Parsley. I am hopeful I can grow out the F3s this summer. Its going to be a close call as to whether or not they’ll be done in time for spring planting in May. These bastard leaf plants are very slow growing at first, so it helps to get them started early. The big one I grew last summer was started in early May and outproduced everything else I had in the garden. I got 3 quart sized jars from her! Also, i chopped her in stages and was still harvesting her into December even though we had freezing temperatures every night by then. That December harvest has become my sleep medicine.


Awesome thanks for the update!
Great breeding project! We’ll have to share some mutants one day when our projects are done


Very nice work brother ! Thank you for sharing ! Hope you are having a great season so far !

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I’m not growing Pine Tar Kush this summer, so i changed the name of the thread.
Here are some 2nd generation PineTar Bastard. Having backcrossed the first generation to my PTK mom, these flowers are chunkier and finishing faster than last years. Considering it’s been growing under the shade of my monstrous Oaxaca, it’s doing quite well. I regret that i didn’t place her out front.

This one is already has 5-10% amber trichomes

I picked four caterpillars off this one this morning


Next up are the Highland Oaxaca Gold. Looking pretty golden to me. :wink:


Uhhg those little bastards are starting to show up in several of my plants right now too, pretty much devouring many of the flowers :frowning:

No PTK this season? Are you still keeping it around for the PTB project?


@deeez99 I have lots of PTK in jars, so I didn’t see the need to grow any more this summer. I still have the PTK mother in my veg tent and i already backcrossed the 2nd generation of PTB to the PTK so that i can make the next(3rd) generation. I plan on keeping her around until i can cross her with @DougDawson’s Sour Bubble later this winter and make some Piney Bubbles. :grinning: