Pine Tar Bastard’s Outside Grownanza

I believe there’s 4 Purple Auto Bastards in this picture. (2021)


Nice i like the Purple color. :boom: :100: :heart_eyes:

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Here’s a few of the plants I have going at the moment.
First up are a couple of Mulanje x Oaxaca.

And three Lemon Thai

And a couple of SFV OG x KushCleaner
They began flowering as soon as I put them outside. I haven’t decided what to do with them yet. I may chop them back and see if they re-flower. I started a few more indoors and may replace these two. We’ll see.


What is the potency like with the purple auto bastards ?

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The potency is pretty good, definitely above average. I had other issues with the original PABs, specifically inter-sexism, germination issues and i found the high to be mostly melancholy in nature. I’m no longer growing the original PABs, and am working on a 2.0 version. Although I’ve only had the 2.0 F1’s thus far, those issues seem to have been resolved. And I’ll probably have to change the name, as the 2.0’s aren’t purple. :grinning:
I posted some pics of the 2.0’s on Crunky’s Mutant thread.


Yeah I seen them.they looked nice

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@PineTarBastard I’ve been trying to not bother you…

But do you have any old pics of PTK? Or can you give me some quick descriptions of terps / plant profiles you came across when you grew that?

PTK is mostly likely going to be my next grow — and I expect to max-out my whole space for it. Just wanted to plan ahead & daydream about whats to come but there’s very little I’ve seen about it on the internet


I’d like to lust after some PTK too :sunglasses:


@lambchopedd I am deeply grateful and appreciative of the kindness you have shown me. Feel free to “bother” me anytime.

Here’s a few pics from 2020

As you can see, I had two plants in the bucket. One was a traditional single cola with tight internodes and rock solid buds, and the other was a sativa-ish pheno with looser internodes and slightly looser buds. I accidentally broke the top of the sativa-ish one, and the branches shot out like crazy They both smelled and tasted the same, extreme pine tree smell and taste.
I wasn’t able to clone the traditional one, but the other one cloned easily and i was able to keep her alive for a few years.


Here’s a clone i grew out in 2021. She flowered straight away, reveged and grew out these chunky flowers

I read that Tom Hill recommends chopping around October 10th, but she’ll double her weight if you let her go into November. I found I preferred the later harvest.


Those look prettier than I thought :heart_eyes:
Thanks man!
Hopefully I can get mine going indoors, and surprise folks with some pine by Christmas lol


I’ve been posting pics on other threads, but slacking on my own thread.
First up I have three Lemon Thai. Thanks @GMan
I had three males and have had a lot of difficulty getting pollen from them indoors. I was able to get a little bit of pollen, but not nearly enough to do a major repro like I wanted to do. :cry:
The third one is very different than the first two.

Next up is a SFV OG x KushCleaner from @707SeedBank

And a couple of Mulanje x Oaxaca I made a couple of summers ago. No signs of pistils yet. Iirc, The Mulanjes didn’t begin flowering until the 2nd half of September.