Pine Tar Bastard’s Outside Grownanza

Thank you for this. Yes, I have 4 going that Upstate gave me. Barely at week 5 from seed and in a 1 gallon at the moment. They are going to be up-potted again this weekend into a 2 or 3 gallon with the final being a 20 gallon fabric pot outdoors. I don’t know what sex they are yet out of the 4. Hopefully at least 2.


Hot damn! :eyes:

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Pine Tar Bastards. Currently got some Pine Tar Dooligahs growing.

Pine Tar Bastard X Dooligah

Excellent flower on those bastards @PineTarBastard


Here’s a few plants from the garden. Here are a few Pine Tar Bastards :grinning: Uploading: IMG_5177.jpeg…


And here’s a Meridian Haze. :grinning: Thanks @santero


That Pine Tar Bastard sure is an interesting plant.

Meridian Haze looking great as well :fire:

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@FieldEffect Thanks. The PineTarBastard in these pictures is an ABC that’s been crossed twice to PineTarKush and then bred to F4. It’s my goto evening/bedtime flower. :grinning:


I’m looking forward to seeing it fill out as the season goes on. I looked back on the thread excited to see the MDS and Oaxaca finished in October. I think that’s getting grown next season :sunglasses:

Hope your girls are enjoying the rain as much as mine are!

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Love it, ABC strain is cool

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Hey what’s up @PineTarBastard hope all is well with you. Just had to report back to you on this one as I think I already mentioned that I crossed your PTK with some Red Snake pollen last year with the hope of getting a little more up feeling and less leafiness. I grew a few of the these F1’s out and the structure was right on point with what I was going for but the two females that I had didn’t have hardly any smell at all which was disappointing.

However, I did manage to get a tiny bit of pollen from reversing your original PTK clone before it’s ultimate demise and brushed it on the F1’s and got about 30 fem seeds. The first one I grew looked pretty close to the original PTK but again little to no smell. The second one I grew looks similar to the PTK and has the exact same strong pine smell! I was quite excited about this as it’s such a pleasing smell.

These aren’t the greatest pics as she’s about to be harvested but here she is currently:


She looks awesome. Congrats on getting pollen from that PTK. I tried 3 times and couldn’t get her to form viable pollen.


Thank you! They’re fun to grow and the taste is very piney. :evergreen_tree:

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Well the cost was her life unfortunately but that one tiny pod of pollen was enough. I think i was using like 1:3 STS dilution so it was pretty strong. Happy to share any of the S1 seeds if you have any interest.


Definitely. I lost mine and she was a winner.


Oh no you lost the clone? damn, now i feel even worse for letting it slip through my hands. Good news is that pine is in these seeds, just not sure how frequent it will show up just yet.


So is this STS MIX
200ml distilled water
100ml A/B Sts mix

Approximately /rough estimate

I’m doing a STS PRoject and want as much info for future


Don’t feel bad. I used her to make some nice crosses and cubed her for my bastard project. She had a good life. And her flowers still reside in my cupboard. :grinning:


u have any grow logs with Mutant Autos… how did they grow for u…

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Hey @Estacionsj for a standard STS recipe I’ve always used a 1:7 ratio of STS A+B mix to distilled water which has worked well for most plants. In my case I use 50ml of STS mix and 350ml of distilled water and this creates more than I need when reversing a few plants.

But some plants are just tough and stable like this particular PTK plant. In this case I used 50ml STS mix with 150ml distilled water. In your example it would be 100ml STS mix to 300ml distilled water. This is a very strong mix though and I’ve only had to use it on this one particular plant.

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Nice, trying to get as much info as possible, thanks for the info

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