Plant (dog) Breeders Rights?

They used to list links when they had they’re site up and running. Adba breeder of the year at some point. They dissapeared. Alot of people in Texas have had that problem over the years… Seem things have been wiped clean from the net. When their site was open it would of been built with the quality you see here at overgrow so it does dissapoint me that after mentioned them, that they no longer exist and leaving little evidence behind. Every dog they sold, was sterile. No breeding rights were ever given. I spent months researching breeders when I was searching for pure bred APT. They were the sensi seeds of breeders. Colby has his prestigious linage and alot of folk have bred from that line.
I do apologize. Ive already tried when your first asked to find any vaiable information. None was yielded. So thats all know. They disappeared. I would ask your many famous dogman to use their resources as i am not someone who can provide the information you seek. Good day.

@V4vendetta …its kinda like this…apbt have many communities inside its community…if that makes sense…we’re all on o.g…a community…but some like auto… sativa…indica. and usually hang amongst the likes…a community in a community. That being said…John Wayne, line…of most awarded adba apbt…is the equivalent of a person coming here claiming to have…a world renowned cut of shoe locker strain…the most cup winning strain in genetics…now you knowing your shit pretty much on all the hype strains …cookies, chems… ect…wonders why you never heard of this awesome strain or cut…and you been rubbing elbows on the regular with guys like…bodhi, csi, shanti from mr nice…and none of them know of it either…not ruffing ya just wanting to know where that stuff’s hiding…because it would be well known in the community. :v:t5:. Example…Phil’s dogs I know from his dogs and the breeders he’s around…are related to a dog or 2 of mine… probably within 4 generations…I dont have to see his peds…I know because of the dogs he posted…the people he mentioned…without knowing him.:v:t5:


The only one I ever saw was saved by my friends dad. He worked for the Texas wildlife for a time. Almost saw him crushed handling a 20’ green anaconda during my week long visit. Pit puppies are euthanized in Texas not put in shelters. He did his best to save as many kinds of wildlife as he could. He grew up here in the Ozark mountains as a non shoe wearing hillbillie. Wild as any. He taught me many things like to use a parrot to deseed mexican brick weed but warned me not to loose a finger reaching into his nest. He lived in a swamp just north of Huston. I was there for weed not dogs so my help finding any more of that breed is pretty useless. But they do exist. She was blind at 7 years old. But still a amazing breed, tallest female pit ive seen personally. Built like a male. Shorter not longer. Very light orange. I would not use the word red to describe her.

As I said I’ve been with this breed since I was 19 yrs. old and during that time i have met a lot of famous well known Dogmen from all over the USA…Sorrel, Mayfield, Norrod, Garner, Mimms, Boudreau, Stratton, Rocca, Chavis, Patrick, Farron, Carmen Corvino Joe’s grandson, Crenshaw etc…some of these famous dogmen have past away but it was honor to have met and talk to them…and just for the record there is no such thing as an ultra rare John Wayne red nose…

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