Please help. I don't know what this is.

I ran a 600 in a 2x4 for years with no issues, that doesn’t look like light burn or bleaching. I would focus on the PH and EC. What are you using to measure ph and how? slurry, run off and are you checking the nutes before they go in? The further you go out of the PH range the less nutrients will be available.

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Hey @Pjhunt78. I’m using a probe to measure ph and its 7+. That’s all I can measure because that’s all I have to measure with. I agree with everybody on the ph factor. I really haven’t given them a whole lot of fertilizer. I mean it seams like I have but not sure… I have som gh ferts coming in and I’ll get on a schedule when I get them. I don’t know what kind of meters to buy to measure ph, ec exc. Nor how to use them. Here’s a look at my plants so far.

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I would grab some litmus paper to see how close your probe is, much cheaper than buying a new probe. What soil do you have them in and did you add anything to it? If you “havent used a whole lot of fertilizer” I would water with a 5.8-6.0 water and start feeding at a lower ph until the soil ph comes down. a foliar spray of a kelp product wouldnt hurt either get some nutrients in there. I would make sure the soil is drying out in reasonable time and watch PH like a hawk for a while. try to bring it down and you should see improvement.


Thanks! I raised my light and gave it two strong feedings of general hydroponics fertilizer over the miracle grow and it snapped out of it. I blame it on the fertilizer and my light was pretty close.


I agree with others. Lower the amount of MG and maybe even mix your nutes and let it buffer for 24 hours before feeding. Also, the light may just be making it easier to see.

I bet with less nutes the green will come back and the light won’t matter as much.


Raise your lights, get the temps down in your room, lower the ph to 6.5, and please find a better fert.


Totally agree with @Gardenartus and @GMan

Lights too close
Reduce you feed

Bring ph between 6.2 to 6.5
Have you tried jacks fertilizer ? Cheap and easy to use



Thanks @Gardenartus @GMan @Papalag. I stopped using miracle grow. I gave them general hydroponics a couple times now and they look like new plants. I do have a couple containers of jacks 1 3 2. Should I use the jacks over the GH or with it?


If you happy with the GH and getting good results that’s fine then

With jacks you can fine tune the npk needed

If not now in the next round give it a try there feeding schedule is a good one

I just prefer the salts over the liquid


Is there any particular feeding chart you go by when using jacks?


Most use the 3-2-1, there is a thread here on that if you look around a bit too.
Simply follow the directions from jacks unless you need to tweak things a bit.



If you are crankin’ the light, your roots and your food game better be right on.
Slowly lower your light, you will most likely see the same reaction if you get too close.
Raise the light up just a touch and perfect your food game.
Once your roots are big enough and your food game is up to par your plant will be able to take more light.
Then and only then lower you light again.

Don’t force light on em if your game is not up to it, just ride where the plants like it best.


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Try to hit a 2-3 day dry-back cycle, if you are able to that is.


Thanks @shag! I’ll do that.