Positive Vibrations Creations AKA Ill-Eagle Birdseed

I took a round of cuttings yesterday (which basically took all day), along with the females that I will be including in my next seed run. As soon as those cuttings start to bust roots in the aerocloners, I will put the females into flower for that seed run. Fun times. Positive vibes…



My current seed run is probably ~3 weeks out from being harvested. There was a tragic accident right around the time that my Black Triangle F2 male had just started to open pollen sacs and release pollen, so I am extremely thankful that these seeds are even ripening on the vine:

  • (Black Triangle F2 TK Leaner) x (Black Triangle F2) Black Triangle F3
  • (Black Triangle F2 GHash Leaner) x (Black Triangle F2) Black Triangle F3
  • Chem D x (Black Triangle F2)
  • Irene OG x (Black Triangle F2)
  • Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel
  • ECSD x (Black Triangle F2) East Coast Sour Black
  • Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Black Triangle F2) Sour Black
  • Cherry West Bc x (Black Triangle F2) Cherry Black
  • Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple
  • Chem Del La Chem F2 x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black
  • Face Off IX x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x (Black Triangle F2) HogFish Black
  • (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Black Triangle F2)

I never like to count my chickens before something something something, but time will tell. Positive vibes…



Bro that list( from your email ) just keeps getting better and bigger
And now these to boot
Not sure which but something is going to end up in my Christmas stocking this year



May I suggest Hel can’t keep my hands out of those jars seriously amazing smoke such a deep rich complex terp profile and some of the more potent herb I’ve grown @Papalag

frosty dense nugs too :call_me_hand: hard to pick with all his amazing selections though :joy:


I know it might seem a little bit crazy with how often I am able to hit up seed runs, but I am literally working with cuts that I have had for years (the majority for 2-3 years, males included) and I know the females like the back of my hand. Ummm actually better than the back of my hand haha. I’m high as fuck; sitting here staring at the back of my hand…

Again, I am always apprehensive about counting on anything too early, but we can definitely hope haha.

I am happy to hear that! Feel free to hit me up whenever brother. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



I will never fucking get tired of seeing this gorgeous picture of Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel! Just seriously in awe of the beauty. I love my female cut of Hel that I selected, but I don’t know that I ever make her shine like that haha. Thank you again for testing my work and doing so well! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Black Triangle F2 male seed run coming down soon! Just waiting for the time/space/energy to harvest:

Black Triangle F3:

  • (Black Triangle F2 TK Leaner) x (Black Triangle F2) Black Triangle F3
  • (Black Triangle F2 GHash Leaner) x (Black Triangle F2) Black Triangle F3

Black Triangle F2 Male Restocks:

  • Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel
  • Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple
  • Chem Del La Chem F2 x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black
  • Face Off IX x (Black Triangle F2)

New Black Triangle F2 Male Hybrids:

  • Chem D x (Black Triangle F2)
  • Irene OG x (Black Triangle F2)
  • ECSD x (Black Triangle F2) East Coast Sour Black
  • Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Black Triangle F2) Sour Black
  • Cherry West Bc x (Black Triangle F2) Cherry Black
  • (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x (Black Triangle F2) HogFish Black
  • (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Black Triangle F2)

Literally any fucking day now. Fun times. Positive vibes…



Even though I have had her for a couple of years now, it never ceases to amaze me when my Cherry West Bc female cut looks done as shit at 45 days. Which reminds me of an experience from my youth:

When I was in my mid-late teens, I dated a girl who had parents that would travel to warmer climates during the winter months. Every winter when they left town, I would bring lights into their garage and perpetually harvest makeshift “rooms” that I had constructed, every 2 months. I would literally crop at 8 weeks whether the flowers were ready or not (they never were haha). I could usually fit 2 harvests in while her parents were on vacation, sometimes 3 if I really pushed it. Hanging branches to dry on racks in guests rooms. The whole house would just reek all winter. No carbon filters or anything. Luckily, in the middle of fucking nowhere. Life is fucking crazy. Positive vibes…



I already planted it at my mother’s house without her knowing it was marijuana :rofl:
But at his girlfriend’s house there was no way



My seed run with my Black Triangle F2 male was harvested a couple of days into January:

Black Triangle F3:

  • (Black Triangle F2 TK Leaner) x (Black Triangle F2) Black Triangle F3
  • (Black Triangle F2 GHash Leaner) x (Black Triangle F2) Black Triangle F3

Black Triangle F2 Male Restocks:

  • Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel
  • Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple
  • Chem Del La Chem F2 x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black
  • Face Off IX x (Black Triangle F2)

New Black Triangle F2 Male Hybrids:

  • Chem D x (Black Triangle F2)
  • Irene OG x (Black Triangle F2)
  • ECSD x (Black Triangle F2) East Coast Sour Black
  • Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Black Triangle F2) Sour Black
  • Cherry West Bc x (Black Triangle F2) Cherry Black
  • (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Black Triangle F2)
  • (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x (Black Triangle F2) HogFish Black
  • (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Black Triangle F2)

I had my Chem Del La Chem F2 male about to release pollen in another flower room around the same day as the Black Triangle F2 seed run was harvested. Probably 2-3 weeks left until that seed run will be ready to harvest. I will get a list of the Chem Del La Chem F2 restocks and new hybrids up as soon as time permits. Positive vibes…



My next seed run is ready to be harvested. I am just trying to find the time. These seeds should be harvested literally any fucking day now:

Chem Del La Chem is Chem D x (Chem D x I-95)

New Chem Del La Chem F2 male hybrids:

Chem D x (Chem Del La Chem F2) D Del La Chem

Chem '91 x (Chem Del La Chem F2) '91 Del La Chem

Triangle Kush x (Chem Del La Chem F2)

Headband x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Headband Del La Chem

Goji OG x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Goji Del La Chem

Chem Del La Chem F2 male restocks:

Irene OG x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Irene Del La Chem

Dogwalker OG x (Chem Del La Chem F2)

Face Off IX x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Face Del La Chem

Hazmat OG x Blowfish x (Chem Del La Chem F2)

Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana x (Chem Del La Chem F2)

ECSD x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Beast Coast Sour Diesel

Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Sour Del La Chem

Black Triangle F2 (TK Leaner) x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Black Del La Chem V1

Black Triangle F2 ('88 G-13/HP Leaner) x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Black Del La Chem V2

Stagger Lee x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Apples Del La Chem

(Cherry West Bc) x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Cherries Del La Chem

Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies x (Chem Del La Chem F2)

Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies x (Chem Del La Chem F2)

I also made another batch of Chem Del La Chem F3s. I absolutely fucking love what I do. Positive vibes…



When I harvested my Cherry West Bc female cut the other day for my new batch of (Cherry West Bc) x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Cherries Del La Chem seeds, she was pushing 10 weeks of 12/12. I think that I have mentioned it before, but I feel most people would consider her “stick a fork in her” done around 8 weeks of 12/12. In my garden, I usually do my best to push her as close to to 9 weeks as possible. I had pollinated her late, at around 4 weeks in 12/12, so I was doing my best to give the seeds ~6 weeks to mature. Anyfuckingway, at ~10 weeks, she had this incredibly skunky/onion “skunion” vibe going on. That shit was intense. I loved processing her. It will be interesting to see if/how the high is affected by the later than usual harvest. Positive vibes…



I truly appreciate everyone who has signed up for my monthly newsletter via email! I can’t thank everyone enough for the continued support! I am currently in the process of another seed run with my Cherry West Bc male. The seeds are probably another 5-6 weeks from being harvested. I am restocking a lot of crowd favorites, as well as making quite a few new Cherry West Bc hybrids. I will be listing the female pollen recipients in my next newsletter that I will be releasing on June 1st.

I found my Cherry West Bc male and female back in 2022 and have been working with them both ever since. Positive vibes…



Well Strainly must have finally caught on that my profile on their website was only being utilized to redirect customers to ordering via email. I logged in and my profile reads “VERIFICATION VOID”. I am not certain how many people actually contacted me via email after reading my profile on Strainly, but I have had quite a few people mention Strainly when they reached out via email.

Strainly went to shit quite a while back when they started auto editing messages to omit certain words and then implemented a btc payment system shortly after. Then, they cut all communication between customer and vendor. I would only receive automatic messages that stated the exact same thing for every order. Something to the effect of “Hi I would like to make a purchase and I will pay in a prompt manner”.

When they started censoring messages and cut off communication between customer and vendor, it was the last straw for me. In all honesty, I am a little bit surprised that it took Strainly this long to notice that my profile was a “fuck you” to their forced systems haha.

I have been doing really well with direct orders via email for quite some time and I can’t thank everyone enough for all of the support. Positive vibes…



My next seed crop of Cherry West Bc male hybrids should hopefully be harvested in a week or two:

New Cherry West Bc Male Hybrids:

Triangle Kush x (Cherry West Bc)

Bloomington Headband x (Cherry West Bc)

Hel x (Cherry West Bc)

Garmr V1 x (Cherry West Bc)

Chem³ x (Cherry West Bc)

Dog Face x (Cherry West Bc)

Cherry West Bc Restocks:

Dogwalker OG x (Cherry West Bc) BloodWulf

Chem D x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry D

Irene OG x (Cherry West Bc)

ECSD x (Cherry West Bc) East Coast Cherry Sours

Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry Sours

(Face Off IX) x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry Face

Goji OG x (Cherry West Bc) Gojis & Cherries

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Cherry West Bc) Chem Del La Cherries

(Black Triangle F2 TK leaner) x (Cherry West Bc) Black Cherry V1

(Black Triangle F2 GHash leaner) x (Cherry West Bc) Black Cherry V2

Stagger Lee x (Cherry West Bc) Apples & Cherries

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Cherry West Bc)

As well as fresh seed stock of (Cherry West Bc) F2. Fun times. Positive vibes…



Hi nugzz I’m smoken some bcsd now

Ty for creating this great blend



I hope the ECSD x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Beast Coast Sour Diesel turned out well for you!

I am just doing what I love and I am stoked when others enjoy my work. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



The seed maturity is looking beautiful on all of these. I am basically just waiting for a day when I have the time. Any day now. Positive vibes…



Some of those are really standing out to me. I know how some of those moms grow. But I’m hoping you could tell me What does your Cherry West Bc male bring to the table? :green_heart:

Also, can you tell me about your experience with that Bloomington headband. Been seeing that around lately


It is good to see you around brother! I hope all is well with you and your family and that your trip went well!

Do tell haha.

I have worked with my Cherry West Bc male and female since 2022, tested several of my Cherry West Bc hybrids and watched others test them as well:

My Cherry West Bc male tends to bring cherry/limeade/skunky/fuely smells/flavors, faster flower times, shorter internodal spacing, as well as potency.

The Cherry West is really just such a unique cultivar and its uniqueness shines through and compliments most mothers that are already awesome. I love it. My Cherry West Bc male is easily one of my favorites to work with.

Shhh. It’s a secret haha.

The Bloomington Headband came from my homie who told me that it was labelled “Bloomington”, but that I couldn’t call it that because it wasn’t supposed to be circulated. I hate shit like that, but I always do my best to respect everyone’s wishes and I always keep my word. Recently, he told me that it didn’t need to be kept a secret anymore because it didn’t matter.

I have only had the cut for a little bit over a year and worked with it for less, so I am only speaking from my limited experience.

She is similar to Triangle Kush in veg; very lanky and throws a lot of trifoliate leaves. She has a high bract-to-leaf ratio. Really just beautiful spears for flowers. She is quicker flowering than most Diesels or Headbands, as I usually take her around 70-75 days. She smells and taste similar to sour, but with a dirty skunk kick to her. And she is definitely potent. I thoroughly enjoy her. I hope that I was able to answer your questions. I appreciate you coming through! Positive vibes…
