Possibly Potassium deficiency due to lockout?

With that pH forget about the pH pen, AN will do the job, it chelates the nutrients and makes them available to the plant. I know it’s a question of faith and also that AN has a lot of haters here, but it works for me. Glad it has recovered, thanks for letting us know … beer3|nullxnull

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So at what point would suggest moving your plants from Happy Frog to Ocean Forest?

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Glad to see it bounced back.

In the future, you can fix anything by diluting gypsum in water for a day, water that in, then next water add 1tsp vinegar per gallon and water that in.


Once there’s a root ball, you’re good. Then the happy frog acts as a buffer to the root ball and ancillary roots can explore into and feed on the ocean forest


Once it’s established in a one gal pot maybe. I use it in my peat moss along with EWC. It’s just too hot for young seedlings. If it was cut with PM and stuff you could get away with it. Happy Frog is safe for seedlings right out of the bag I think.


Thanks Gents. My first time growing a plant in soil. I mean I put a few clones in Happy Frog and then dumped them into the ground but that does not really count. Appreciate the guidance. I have always grown in coco but through I would branch out a bit and try some soil just as a side project. I just moved 5 autos in seedling starter bags into 1 gallon pots of Happy Frog a couple days ago and figured to up pot them into Ocean Forest at a point in the near future.


Yea… you want fully established plants before going ocean forest, even then I’d mix it up 1:1 HF:OF

Always seems to run hot for me when straight… I don’t know if others have the same issue


Thanks man, going to be relying on you all to help guide me though. It’s like my first grow all over again so kind of cool. Still going to do my main grow in coco but this should be interesting.


Looking happy now :+1: just as if they were sitting on Santa’s knee wishing for a happy Christmas :wink:


Toasty gave you good advice once established with mixing 50/50, works well for me…….
I also do the same with this product:



Thanks bro. One dusted.


I have used it. Happy frog is very forgiving. They make all kinds of toppers. The secret not to overwater and no wind or water. One thing I learned a long time ago keep an empty container full of dirt. Let it dry. That gives you something to go by when you pick up your containers to see how much moisture is in them. Stick your fingers down in there you have to determine how wet you are. @DougDawson stuff like this works. Raw molasses works wonders. When you get finished with your soil Add some microbes. I even leave the old roots in. I use several things. The happy frog organics that is all are used at one time used fertilizers like I do now.

bonemeal stuff like that works very good. Dr. earth makes some good products. Just remember when they get bigger you’re gonna want that drain off at least 2 inches in your drain container. I do not remove the excess water. I’ll let the plants soak it back up. Just me. When they get late into flowering. I definitely want to remove the runoff. Just me.
One Love

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These plants, I started in solo cups with Happy Frog.
Once roots wrapped around the bottom of the cup, i transplanted straight into ocean forest - amended with gypsum and garden tone from espoma


Hapy frog + ocean blend + and innocluant gives good results also using this nutrient line(Elemental Nutrients) the whole line is myco based (grow,bloom booster) get a sample pack of their stuff for $10.00 (also their myco bloom “booster” is rate in the top 10 ) . Many years ago used Advance nutrients with good sucess Still have some Big Bud and use it from time to time _can’t beat their “PH” perfect line