Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

That’s using sulfur to cure up the mildew, not chitosan.

Wasn’t using to cure its to control so you don’t lose bud so where this keeps repeating itself is turning into a boot loop that doesn’t end.Have fun with the Sulpher I’m out lol

ok so I think I’ve got all the keys to the puzzle :wink: or is it pieces? Anyways, it seems there are two forms of the mildew. They each have a slightly different life cycle! That’s the preliminary findings from observations. The key to eradication is to exterminate the parasite at each stage. You need to attack the mycelium network, those pods with the mycelium attached and the pill shaped forms. The pods and the pills are how the shit winters over with ascospores and asocarps. You can see both on the comfry samples, but not on the plantain. It only has the ascospores part! So… what does this mean? drumroll please

For the perennial plants, you need to spray the dormant plant as well as the ground. For annuals, you just need to spray the ground before planting.

How’s that for a radical statement :wink: Those are instructions to break the cycle in the spring, so you never have to see that crap again.

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The problem with the chitosan suggestion is this:
I can replace chitosan with “magic dust” and get the same results. So, it fails the logic test.

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Thumbs up :+1:

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It also fails in practice… frass, crab shell, tried 'em… but they sounded so good, lol!

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This is the way it seem to be, according to observations.

classic! Better add it to the list.
18) chitosan

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oh, I forgot!
19) silica
oh and I’m sure there are more I’ll remember eventually.

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A part of me always wanted to try and eradicate bud mold. I know sulfur dissolves that parasite as well… could I decontaminate the room and all the plants? As well as the equipment? It’s a much tougher parasite that’s for certain. Infests multiple hosts. Lives for a long time on nothing in spore form. It spreads very easy!! hah hah just some idle thoughts while I play computer games.

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Have you ever seen a diagram like this:

Yes you just posted it in the other thread

ok have you ever seen that diagram before I posted it online?

I presume that you are trying to draw me into a debate prior to stating your point.

nope no debate man. I’m just illustrating the fact I’ve done original research that has placed me a decade ahead.

No but I really enjoy that black blob that looks like a rat turd. Very educational.

Is that what this was about?

I’m moving this over to your OP.


To answer your question, no. I don’t recall seeing that illustration though I see lots of illustrations and I may have come upon it at some point. Seems reasonable.

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Yah the thing is I’ve been pouring over the diagrams trying to make sense of the parasite as a whole. In all the diagrams they show the perennial type of mildew, not the kind that infests annuals. It’s like there is some serious missing information. I’ve been busy outside taking photos, so many photos! Observations, but also… if you remember user GrowingHigher… their words kept echoing in my head about how they knew right away the mildew image I supplied wasn’t from cannabis.
After reading the government documentation, I saw that the images they supplied of the grapes were the same as many images I had, but not like all of them. Suddenly a key clicked and I was like yo those are perennial plants that overwinter… So I went outside and took stock of all the mildew infestations and what they looked like microscopically. Slowly realized there was missing data. So I altered the eradication scheme to cover perennial plants as well! I think it might be the final linchpin for the mildew parasite.
Requires field testing then it’ll be ready. Powdery mildew has met it’s match when I can eradicate it in any scenario. The legal producers are already feasting on the powdery mildew elimination protocol for annuals, so I’m excited about this latest upgrade to the scenario.
Sorry the post was so long, it’s a convoluted story.

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So, I see others are also being driven absolutely fnnn nutso with this crap. The PM, that is. Got hit hard out here in the Va mountains this year, never seen it like this before. There has to be another fungus out there that can take this fungus out. Something along the lines of BT but for PM? Im gonna go curl up in a ball for a week. It looks like someone had a pillow fight using bags of flour with my outdoor girls last night…its absolutely insane…i have no idea how commercial farms handle this stuff…whats weird is that Im fairly sure it came from crowding along other veggies…but now its only the cannabis that is affected, other near by vegetation is fine…I definitely angered the weed gods this time around. Ive used the usual, hydrogen peroxide, neem, sodium bicarbonate, all seemed to hold it back VISUALLY just to be hit ten times as hard just as we were getting close to harvest. I pray others are having better luck than us this year, and if so, do tell…


LOL, my pleasure!!

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