Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Sure I’ve got the prescription for your blues! Based on what you said, you definitely need to sterilize the ground with at least one spray of 90%+ sulfur mixed with water. I go with 1tablespoon per liter. You have to go and spray the area where the mildew infested plants were growing. Any place you think plant material would have landed. I tell people to do 2 sprays 2 weeks apart. Then you can plant seedlings you sprouted or clean clones. You can additionally use a UV flashlight to detect any living colonies on a plant. Spray the ground in the spring, before you plant anything. You can use a wetting agent if you want.
If your indoor grow is infested as well, you just need to go in there and spray the plants twice two weeks apart in veg only! Never in bloom! The parasite will be eradicated there.
Outdoors if you don’t care about getting some sulfur on clean plants, just plant the ones that get mildew and do the two sprays two weeks apart. That breaks the cycle outdoors as well. Do it early! You’ll never see it again.
The products you are using will never end the infestation, only knock the mildew back a bit.


As far as lame movies go, that one had a sound byte that was delectable!

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Hey I resemble that remark. But yeah it’s been another week pm free for this troglodyte. Indoor and outdoor no trace of it.


Last night my friends were trying to convince me to upgrade my funding. It’s not a bad idea! With some more loot I could reach some high fucking planes of existence alright lol! There are so many unanswered questions. Ever pause and wonder how the same process that is revealing information about the parasite mildew is the process I used to improve my hash making? It’s all about making a thousand observations.


My friends are right, let me fucking bump this up the food chain in real life. contacts the government

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They say they’ll contact me in 2 days.


I’m in full flower right now and I had a full blown PM attack pop up weeks ago was too far in flower to use Sulpher so I ordered a product called Cease that is a biological fungicide patent Subtillus strain.It’s used in a Canadian product called Serenade.It has not burned or harmed the buds in anyway on top of that it helps get beneficial nutrients to your plants besides Eat up PM it breaks down nutrients to be available to your plant.Down side is it’s 80$ a gallon but it goes a long way a regular dose at 30ml a gallon every 2 days 2 sprays a day for a week double dose at 60ml in the first week which I tried and it did not harm plant in anyway I backed down to 30 ml a gallon every 2 days.Now you know who is going to pop on here and be like “yeah does it really kill it ?I need a thousand observations.I’m telling you I haven’t had pm pop back up this stuff turns PM into water scale no fluffy spores every where the fungus is decimated by thousands of perforations to the spore cell walls so the can’t launch those tendrils inside the leaf to replicate you break up the cycle and it’s an option to use when your in flower and don’t want to wreck your buds with sulpher it’s not an argument as to which kills pm better.It just helps you harvest more clean flower not a pissing contest.


All have been sprayed twice a day till now no bud rot or pm what so ever no pm in the area either it ate all of it up the plants are thriving no signs of stress.Terps are off the chain the whole yard reeks Stickyness is at an 11


First of all, those lovely ladies look Amazing and well cared for. Very beautiful :heart_eyes:

I cant tell you how much I appreciate this information RIGHT NOW! I had tried my best with what has worked in the past, or so I thought, I really dont understand how whatever this is got sooo bad. I always make mistakes and have kept fungus at bay long enough to harvest previously but this year its just very intense, has me questioning everything. Its hard to know what to believe, but when it comes down to it, I would love to save this harvest, and thanks to your imput, we have hope now. Thats all Im lookin for this time around.
And now thanks to Joe, I now know what to do…next time around…and after this grow is finished, one way or another, I can correct the issue in the first place, after rereading all the information here. Two potential answers to one huge problem that tends to get us growers all worked up.(I know its way more complicated than that, but for now, Im trying to keep my brain from being bashed against a wall) Hopefully, together, we can find a safe way to help each other out through these issues. And speaking of safe, I need to go do more reading now and then try to find a bottle of this stuff. I feel like Im starting over, pretty lost right now. Gonna feed the ladies today and trim off the worst of the worst. Ive never seen it this bad before. None of the usual has worked…see, I cant stop thinking about this as the girls grow more and more upset with me. I’ll go tell them to hold on, we’re trying something new.
Once again, thank you for your documentation and for reaching out, I pray you have a bountiful harvest, as I do for everyone here :blush:

“Hold on baby!”


heh heh Nobody should take it personally if I tell them a treatment they propose won’t work. I’m a logic bomb dropper. I got this example right?
This guy tells me dr zymes works to get rid of powdery mildew. They don’t sell that kind of thing here in Canada, so I asked what the protocol was to get rid of the mildew. Told me you have to keep spraying it on up till harvest. So I said it doesn’t work. I think they took that shit personally because they wanted me to know right away they were some kind of pro grower and so on. After three days of trying to convince me… of who knows what even, they left and never came back.
I’ve never understood that kind of reasoning or defense. I only ask that people come with evidence, not irrational defenses. Sure the truth seems like a kick in the fucking teeth, but you have to be prepared to accept that with a smile.


Agreed. Wins and losses. Just trying to find out if these girls can be saved this round. If not, oh well. It is what it is. Still going to take the opportunity to try something, no point in just giving up. Im sure there are options, I just dont have any help, other than you guys and gals on-line. Hell, I dont even drive and live in the middle of nowhere, cant even go to a grow shop to waste money anyway. Id just like to hear what other people have done in this same situation, outdoor, two-four weeks away from harvest. I think alot of people are afraid to share their losses, I don’t blame them, shit aint easy gettin mind fuct by everyone online, but Im certain Im not the only person dealing with this atm. I appreciate the sulfer information and will probably use it at some point, just obviously not now. I just go by my own observations until I see different or am proven wrong, thing is though, I never claim to know anything. So Im open ears. Its all perception and ever changing. Like, I got kicked in the teeth once. I didn’t like it. And afterwards, neither did he. Put that smile right back on my face. :smiley:


You’ll appreciate this story then. When I first got powdery mildew 20 years ago, I lost the entire crop. Had to go and buy some from a “guy I knew”. Turns out he knew how to kill off the mildew and told me to “grind up some sulfur pellets and spray it on in veg twice two weeks apart”. I never went back to his place to buy weed again because the parasite was fucking toast. It took me 6 months of using every suggestion known to man with 0 results before he clued me in. Here we are today, I used that knowledge as a baseline to eradicate the mildew colony growing in the garden on the cucumbers and pumpkins. I’m certain that whatever powdery mildew colony you want eradicated can be easily killed off using the right process. Once you know where and when to hit it, it’ll be gone and you won’t have to deal with it again. That concept is unimaginable to some.


C’mon Joe, did that really happen? With Dr. Zymes? I remember 1 advocating e20 for awhile B4 disappearing. Internet is crazy. Zymes too?


Yah lots of people quit. I think that one was later in the thread. Even those guys who were around for the initial test phase when someone actually decided to try the sulfur on their plants, quit. hah hah they called me “arrogant” when I told them the mildew was fucking dead already. I quipped never mistake confidence for arrogance. Oh my! I’m the spinner of comedy gold.

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oh wow! No, you’re right there are multiple threads and they all join together in my mind lol! wow what was the other one called? Something about mildew. Crazy!

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The other one was white powdery mildew, what do I do?
Crazy, man! My old responses before I finished the study were pretty good, but not like now. I’m like a mildew assassin now!


Indeed. I’m guessing that what I sent never arrived :slightly_frowning_face:. Paying house painters is high on my list of priorities. While you requested nothing, given the nature of your profession…:thinking:
Pm info


oh yah I got those items, and thanks! They are next to sprout :wink:


Oh great. Please keep me posted. Tried to send some to your combatant, thanking him for the entertainment, but he declined.
Keep up the good fight!


Oh I’ll keep going alright :wink:
I knew the day he had convinced someone to spray their plants with myclobutanil because he told them sulfur couldn’t wipe out mildew, that there was only room for one of us on this planet. Imagine if he had actually managed to convince people that shit was the solution? fuuuuuuuuuck. I shudder. Lucky people already knew that crap is fucking straight up poison, and he even attacked the expert I brought in who confirmed that.
hah hah the redemption was when you summoned us both to say you were using sulfur. It proves he lost the battle.
Fuck dow chemical, I’ll kick them in the nuuuuuuts. Metaphorically, of course.