Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Well 2 weeks after my first sulfur application, I hit him hard again. Here’s a pic of them pre-treatment.

Here’s a pic of them after a trim and post treatment… they’re angry and hopefully the powdery mildew is gone.


Did you even see a trace of it between treatments?

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A few plants maybe, but it’s hard to detect given all the residual from the first treatment.


mm yah true story it’s quite a bit of white stuff, and it looks sort of like mildew itself heh heh. With an ultra violet light you can tell the difference or magnifying lens. It’ll be dead as dead can be after this last spray. Never seen that shit survive two hits from the sulfur.


Like I said before, if this sulfur treatment you recommended works, I’m happy to send you cuts of all of them…I’ve been trying to kill this shit for 2 years. I appreciate you getting this potential solution out to help all these OGers eliminate this fucking nuisance.


hehheh oh that shit is dead, don’t worry about that. You’ll never see it’s ass again!

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You sure have some energy dude… :100:


lol! Welcome to the lab, this is where the action happens.

Let me know what you want Joe


Interesting list above.


Happy to share with you Jet and many other OGers. Let’s spread some love…and great plants. Hit the Dm guys.


Appreciate it man but im looking full fucking up at the moment, with 2 tents flowering and 2 sets already waiting in the wings. Got like 12 different Mom’s im holding at the moment(until i see if i want any) and would just be GREEDY to take anything right now. VERY COOL to offer…!!!

I have a Cereal Milk going right now in flower, and 2 rooting cuts of it(supposedly the original cut???) She is small, healthy but slow growing. Her cuts take forever to root, and she veg’s slow too. I bought some like 3 years ago and i LOVED IT!!! Thinking this cut i have isnt a good one, or she just is a little pain in the ass that yields nothing and takes alot to grow her.

What is your experience if you have any, with YOUR C.M ???


My cereal milk is an original cookies cut. Veg is actually crazy fast, but grows like a vine and need lots of support in flower. I’ve had the best luck scrogging it. It smells like Captain Crunch…even in veg. I’ve run it probably 15 times with pretty consistent results. Each time gets better in yield. She is a finiky bitch for sure, but I can’t let it go because of the terps. Very fast flowering in comparison to the rest of the stable. Also, this one is super easy to root if cloning.


Mine flowered super fast, it is growing like a vine, and leaning on other plants. I have not smelled her since i placed it 3 weeks ago, guess i need to go try her.


Thanks! Remember, only send it when YOU are personally satisfied the mildew is dead and not coming back. I don’t want to seem like I’m running a confidence scam lol! I promise I’ll study anything you send me and it’ll become part of my hash material study. I’m always looking for plants to run through the thunder dome.

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Evening Joe,
I have appreciated the info you share, and I am a believer in your sulfur regiment. Due to personally having an environment where new spores may be brought in after flowering I am also on the hunt for an option for use in early flowering, I appreciate the scientific approach you have taken in regards to the sulfur application, If I were to pick up some Cease and send some your way would you be open to testing it out? Just a thought, and again thanks for the info you have shared in this thread and others.


You can easily test it yourself and here’s how. You have a mildew infestation, so you give the crops several sprays. I’m not sure how many the manufacturer recommends. But you use an ultra violet flashlight to detect the colony after you spray. See how much the colony gets knocked back. If you can stop spraying, and the colony doesn’t regenerate, it’s a success.
The protocol to keep mildew from actually infesting your grow in the first place, is pretty basic.

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If anyone wants my personal take on it, I would never spray anything on there. Never spray shit on there in bloom especially. Nasty monkeys! I don’t come out and say that though :slight_smile:

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lol! Pops is like “What? You contacted the government? Now there’s initiative!”

I am interested in a few of those cuts. I mean who wouldn’t be? Thanks. DM sent.