Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t hurt mildew. Something on the plant is bubbling, but it’s not the mildew! I’ll post it to spewtube in a bit.

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Also I had some other strange observation. Almost seems like the crazy rain we had burst all those brown pods open. You think direct contact with water helps it reproduce in that way? More observations will solve the riddle.
OK Peroxide action is over at the 10min mark. No more bubbles produced.

In short. Mildew loves a good hydrogen peroxide bath. I think it helps the mildew thrive. lol!

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It’ll be forever until the 4K version is on gootube, but… when it makes it up there, definitely worth watching. You can almost see the mildew smiling back at you as it bathes in peroxide. Yo… that all you got? Mycelium network undamaged. No bubbles present on the mildew.

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Hay Joe, you got any pics of damaged mycelium?

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Here’s one that took major damage from a full dose. The mycelium is…fuuucked.

This is one where I put a few tiny drops in a pool of water. You can see the mycelium took a hit there as well, even though the sulfur I used was such a tiny ass dose.

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I can’t see a thing sir. Some specs. Wait is that a smudge

Edit: haha


heh heh yah open the image in a new tab, and then click on it to zoom in. It’s highly detailed!

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Zoom just makes my ignorance bigger.
Thanks Joe


lol! Yah my bad, here’s the offending mycelium network the mildew uses.

I drew some black lines, outlining parts of it.


Ha, I’m glad I’m not the only one!

So Joe, in a few spots you point to, I see some darker, and maybe broken places in what I’m thinking is the mycelium… but others not so much. And in the second pic there’s bright what I hope are explosions of hyphae. Is it hyphae or mycelium? I’d love to see some total annihilation inside an obvious red circle with arrows.
I’m old, and a bit slower now, so make it obvious :slight_smile:


yah I see now! I forgot living in my own little world here those photos look like outer space lol! I definitely have to illustrate things better. So the hyphae is a single segment of the mycelium. The mycelium is the entire network of interconnected hyphae. They grow more segments and connect more. What I really want is a photo of the haustorium going into the plant stomata. I keep forgetting to search for one.
The thing about that last photo is, it’s of the colony dying. Shit cannot survive long after the host is dead! I swear the colony starts to die off after 30min.


Dude is speaking college and I’m in middle school. Glad to have someone to pass notes with.

@JoeCrowe we all need to eat:
Hashmatty Spray PM Away
with a picture of exploding hyphae on the bottle.

In all seriousness your willingness to share what you’ve learned is inspiring. More than that I don’t see PM anywhere. Thanks again brother.

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ok here’s the colony when it’s totally dead.

You can see it’s waiting to re-infest when it finds a live host.

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But the host is our plant…or is it?


In this colony’s case the host is comfry but it won’t find any in the garbage can where it’s going.


Host is dead but PM is alive?

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Yah I cut a bit of a comfry leaf off and I put it under the microscope. Within 30min the mildew colony is dying or dead already because like any classic parasite, it can only survive if the host is alive. It dies but leaves behind those acospores that will infest the next compatible host that grows.
Imagine that as a model for what happens to the parasite when winter comes. The leaves fall off the plant, but the mature reproducing part of the colony survives over winter, on the leaf, and then re-infests in the spring when things start to grow.


Been a couple days no treatments and Mildew is Gone still went and checked a spot I’ve been ignoring on purpose and lo and behold still no PM temps hitting 53 degrees at night 75 during the day I give them 2 weeks to chop if that they are swelling nice not a spot of Botrytis either I haven’t pulled a leaf in almost over a week the Terps are the best I’ve ever seen in that spot to date.


@JoeCrowe I second the idea of trying Cease in flower, and would suggest Regalia as well, microscoped and scienced the way you do. I am willing to contribute whatever is needed for said project…I cannot adequately compensate you for your time.

Truth is your way has a limiting variable. Veg. OG needs a sure fire eliminate that shit in flower protocol and who better. It’s like you beat the enemies champion 38 days in a row. But won’t fight him at night.

Forever grateful for the 411. Consider yourself respectfully challenged.
