Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Yah I know, if you made it to flower without detecting the mildew, that’s…not a good day. I’m awaiting preliminary results. Here’s the thing though. It doesn’t help you now, but once you know how to eliminate the mildew permanently, you don’t have to worry about the parasite. Personally, I would never recommend spraying anything on there in bloom. ick! Here’s the thing though, if the preliminary results look promising, I can test it’s ability to eradicate the mildew. Based on the instructions that come with it, I’m not sold that it can do the task.
So the stage I’m at… is where the crops are mildew free. I’m talking in the garden and the lab. I go out into the woods to get my mildew samples!
That’s why I’m not very eager to try it myself. I have to find some mildew somewhere and import it. Then infest the crops and then try and wipe it out.
So what we are actually talking about is 2 more years of my life lol! I definitely want to make sure there are glimmers of hope first. Before I go and dedicate that time.


ohhh hey. There is actually an easy way to test it that could answer the question of if it can be at least eradicated in your grow with one of those products.
OK so you have a single infested clone in quarantine. Just a simple area with a small LED light and a single clone in a container. Plastic flap on the front. Go in there and get some regalia, or serenade or whatever your choice is. Spray the plant about 5 times in 2 weeks. Then stop spraying and let it grow out for another 40 days. It doesn’t have to grow up or bloom or anything, just a small plant trimmed back in perpetual veg. After 40 days, the answer will be obvious.
I could do this test but I lack some materials. Test would cost about 200$, probably less. Requirements:

  1. infested clone
  2. product sample
  3. containment

I do have a containment area, but I need to upgrade it. So the cost is actually an investment in upgrades.
As I said before though, anyone can perform the test. I think it’s pretty basic.

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Sulfur metabolism and stress defense response

Elemental sulfur and thiol accumulation in tomato and defense against a fungal vascular pathogen

Elemental sulphur as an induced antifungal substance in plant defence

Some good reads on how plants generate elemental sulfur and various other sulfur containing molecules in their fight against fungal infection. The studies of resistant vs susceptible strains are pretty telling as to the importance of sulfur as a nutrient. Would love to see some studies like this on cannabis.

Inorganic sulfur as fungicide

This last one has a pretty nice rundown of the history of sulfur as a fungicide. “In 1841, MEARNS recommended a mixture of alcohol and sulfur for the control of powdery mildew on peaches. He recognized the importance of early applications and stated that the mixture should be painted on the branches during dormancy in early spring.” That last bit is pretty much the overwintering portion of PM rearing its head almost 2 centuries ago. Hops farmers know all about that with the crowns harboring the dormant parasite until favorable conditions for emergence arise.


I always find it ironic that sulfur is the oldest known treatment for fungal pathogens. Yet… it seems lots of people haven’t even heard of it! The original research I did on it, is supported by other research projects from the past. I think it might be because nobody makes any $$$ on curing the shit up, so they don’t care if you can actually DO it. Thanks for rooting those articles out!

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wow the sulfur preparations they make are phytotoxic. They say to cucumbers in particular. I’ve never found elemental sulfur to be phytotoxic. amazeballs!

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There’s actually quite a bit to unpack there. It’s very interesting though! Where they are wondering just HOW the shit is killed off by sulfur. They claim sulfur won’t kill botrytis… which it most definitely will. mmm That’s the strange part though right? If I sprinkle sulfur on the colony it won’t die. If I put a couple drops of water on the sprinkles of sulfur, the death is immediate. IT dissolves the colony.

I’m trying to dig it back up but there was an article in French that talked about some likely mechanisms. I believe it had to do with the oxidation of glutathione and the accumulation of the toxic byproduct, at least in whatever pathogen they were studying. I’ve seen a handful of theories along those lines. Fungi that can reduce elemental sulfur to sulfide are less susceptible to the oxidative damage caused by elemental sulfur. If I can find it I’ll link it here. In the French paper though, they were specifically refuting the claim that it competes with oxygen in the electron transport chain.


Yah it’s strange nobody knows for sure how it works lol!

The colony is super visible, the mycelium glows in UV light. I’m hunting for the part of the colony that is inside the leaf. It’s hard to find!

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The left hand side of the image is just plant material. The colony is in the upper right hand side, glowing pink.

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After reading your stuff I had to honor your research. I bought Sulfur to mess some sh*t up. I took a handful of veg plants and a seeded mini mother, all potentially expendable. You see I never tried Sulfur because I figured it would be harsh on the plants. And I must say it appears to be harmless. So in the spirit of learning after seeing the seed mama unfazed by round 1 it needed to be done. I drowned the mama a day later for phase 2. Now a week later she looks unfazed. I’m redoing my PM Program, not sure how. But Sulfur in Veg for sure. Not sure if Neem will be removed. JoeCrowe you’re the man! Thanks for sharing your research.


Hey thank for the props, I was worried I scorched you a little too bad over on the other thread there. Yah the plants seem to really LIKE the sulfur bath, that’s the nuts part. Also, sulfur is considered non toxic.


I did a lot of research in my days. That’s how I figured you were telling the truth. I’m happy that my preventive maintenance just got better. Might even drop neem from my scheduled maintenance.


Yah your rational responses were heartening! Welcome to the lab. I basically just finished the process of determining where and when to hit the mildew parasite to ensure it’s complete eradication, both indoors and outdoors on perennials or annuals. Just got to get the info widely distributed and that parasite is history.
It can be difficult to get people to understand I didn’t just make it all up as some kind of meta joke to feel important. lol I’ve heard it all.

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ok Peoples! Tell me what you think. Pretty sure this covers the mildew cycle of cannabis. Since it’s not a perennial, you don’t need to worry about spraying the dormant plant.

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lol! oops you won’t be sulfuring the ground in an indoor grow.

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Here we go. I think this diagram will help anyone facing cannabis powdery mildew. If you are infested indoors and outdoors, you have to follow the flow chart for each colony, or else it’ll infest again.


Been over a week since last spraying of Cease and no bud rot no PM not a single speck and tomorrow she gets the chop.I asked the question of what do I do if I see PM on my plants in flower to many people on OG no one could really give me a real answer to question it seems many like myself have quietly suffered through this PM bullshit.Well today I have answered my own question and I will tell you use Cease if you have PM and are in flower.Stop spraying a whole week prior to chop .as soon as you see PM spray at 60ml Cease to a gallon of RO water Tap works but I liked the RO better ,two sprays a day morning and night for a week then cut back to 30ml a gallon two sprays a day for another two weeks check your whole area of it has PM kill it in sight don’t give it a chance to pop back up spray down area with SULPHER Not buds.Cut back to one spray a day of 30 ml to a gallon one week prior to harvest.


@JoeCrowe some folks seem to be having some success with this:

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Article one is garbage, lemme read the next one…
OK that one is garbage as well. No, unfortunately LABS isn’t gonna do it.

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Haven’t sprayed Cease in Days still no signs of PM or Budrot plants have taken on more vigor in fact and I’m seeing a lot of new bud growth everywhere even after 3 full days of pounding rain and humid lower temps getting in the mid 40s at some nights.Going to pull it this week was going to last week but shit popped up I might even be tempted to let her go another week the swell is fully on and I won’t be spraying anything and the buds are so fat and sticky with grease they just lay there like help me I got too fat and I can’t get up.